Summary: This article will provide instructions on how to generate New Portal Logins for Homeowners within an Association who have not already had portal logins created for their primary email address. Instructions are also provided to enable the user to edit the language in the Vantaca system-generated email template, if desired.
Generate New Portal Login Action Item
The Generate New Portal Login action item will generate new portal logins with temporary passwords for all primary email addresses on file in the Association that have not yet been associated with an owner portal login. The email notification to the owner with the temporary password can be edited to include specific language for your owners. If you would like to view or change the language in that Email Template, you must do so before generating the New Portal Logins.
Changing the Email Template Text
- Go to Settings > Action Types/Steps
- Go to the New Portal Login action item under Standard.
- Drill into the action item by clicking the dropdown arrow.
- On the first step, Message, click on the hamburger menu and choose email to edit the Email Template.
- To add tags, choose your tag from the dropdown and click Go to insert your tag. Note: You can change fonts here as well. Do not remove the Action item Description tag, as this is where Vantaca will insert the owners email and temporary password that is generated.
Generating New Portal Logins
Once you have reviewed the Email Template, you are ready to generate New Portal Logins for an Association.
- Go to Association > Action Items and click the +New Action Item button.
Note: Make sure you have the correct association selected. - In the New Action Item form, choose the Generate Portal Logins Action Type. You do not need to add anything else in this box. When you click Update the system will begin sending logins.
Note: This generation process may take a few minutes to complete, depending on the number of logins being generated by the action item. The Generate Logins action item creates a new New Portal Login action item on each Homeowner account in that association for which a new portal login is created.
After the logins have been generated you will need to set up your Board Members for that Association to give them the extra Board Member permissions on the Portal. Please see the article, How to Add Board and Committee Members, as well as the video tutorial of the same name to learn how to complete this process.
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