Summary: This article will describe how to view and manage the Association's document library.
Note: The ability to add, edit and delete documents and folders is based on your user permissions. (Contact your System Administrator regarding your permissions)
To access the Association's Documents page, navigate to Association > Documents.
As with most Association pages, you'll see the name of the Selected Association at the top of the page. To choose a different Association, click the Association Name to be presented with a search box. Find the Association you're looking for and click Select to move between Associations.
The Documents page contains a list of folders. These folders contain all the documents for your Association. From this list use the arrows next to the folders to drill into and see documents and subfolders. Click on a document to view it.
Note: Any Word or Excel files will automatically be downloaded instead of being available on the viewer.
Adding/Updating Folders
To add a New folder, right-click on the parent folder labeled, Documents, then select New Folder.
Note: To add a sub-folder within a folder, right-click the folder that will contain the new subfolder.
A pop-up menu will appear, prompting you to choose the new folder's name, as well as to select the type of folder security. The security option will dictate where the document will be seen on the Association's website.
- Boards Only - Displays the folder only if the designated Board Member is viewing the documents in the portal.
- Homeowners - Displays the folder for an Owner after they have logged into the portal.
- Everyone - Allows the item to be seen in the portal without first logging in.
- Staff - Hides that document from the Association's web portal and will only be available to view by Management company staff.
- For more details on Folder Security and ways to use them effectively, visit Association Document Securities
Click Update to create this new folder.
You can edit the information of existing folders by right-clicking on the folder and selecting Edit Folder.
Some Document folders have hard-coded file paths in Vantaca, which means changing the name of the folder, or the location of the folder can prevent information from being accessible.
These examples are as follows:
Documents>Forms>ARC: If this file path is altered, the ARC application form will not show on the ARC Request portal page. In addition, if you place your ARC application form in a different folder, it will not populate on the ARC Request portal page.
Documents>Invoice Images: If the Invoice Images folder is renamed, the paid invoices at the end of a fiscal period will not flow into that folder, and Vantaca will instead create a new folder with the name of Invoice Images.
Documents>Bank Statements: If this folder is renamed or moved under a different folder, the bank statements received through the bank integration will not flow to that new folder, but Vantaca will create a new folder labeled Bank Statements and place those statements there.
Uploading Documents
To add new documents to a folder, right-click on the folder and click New Document. A window will appear, prompting you to select the correct file from your computer. You can either drag-and-drop the file or click Select File and choose from your computer's menu.
Vantaca allows for many types of files, including:
- Word Docs
- Excel
- Video/Sound
- etc.
There is a 120 MB Upload limit per file. You can upload multiple files at once. Once the needed files are selected, click Upload to add the file(s) to the folder.
Note: The file in Vantaca will be named whatever the file was named when it was uploaded. Ensure that your files are named clearly and easy to understand prior to upload if these files are to be seen by the public. There is no way to rename a file once it is uploaded.
If you want to delete a file, drill through the folders list to find the file. Once identified, click the "x" next to the file name to delete it. A pop-up will appear on the screen to confirm. Click OK to proceed with your delete.
Note: In order to move a file to a different folder, you must delete the file and re-upload it to the desired folder. There is no way to move a file between folders.
Copying Documents and Folders between Associations
You can copy folders and their contents to multiple Associations by right-clicking and clicking the Copy Folder option. This brings up the following dialogue box.
Select the Association(s) you wish to receive the selected folder. If you also want to take the files contained in this folder, check the Include Files box at the top.
You can choose to Append or Replace this folder:
- Append - Creates this folder on the selected Association if it does not exist, or will add the selected contents to the existing folder if one is available.
- Replace - Deletes any folder in the new Association with the same name as your selected folder, and will replace it with your selected folder (and contents if applicable).
- This cannot be undone. You will be presented with a pop-up confirmation box prior to doing a Replace copy.
Model Associations and Documents
You can add folders and documents to your Model Associations. These items will not be added to existing Associations and will need to be copied. However, when you create a new Association that follows this model, the folders and documents will copy from the Model to the New Association.
This is helpful for items such as management company disclosures or documents you want all Associations to have.
Note: It is best practice to have a clearly defined document structure that all of your associations follow. This will make training new employees easier and will be beneficial for users that operate in multiple portfolios (such as Customer Service or After Hours employees).
Note: When naming files and folders, do not place a '/' character in the name, as that character is used to determine filepaths and breaks the logic for the file pathing. For Example, name a file or folder "12-25-2022" rather than "12/25/2022".
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