This Article and the New Owner Setup Action Item are responsible for doing the mundane tasks associated with new homeowners: sending portal logins, welcome letters, etc. For information on creating new accounts, and handling the transfer from the previous owner to the current owner, please visit How to Process an Ownership Transfer.
As part of the Ownership Transfer action item, Vantaca automatically creates the New Owner Set Up action item on the new homeowner's account.
The New Owner Setup typically has the following steps. Keep in mind that this is simply a template flow. Your Action Item may have been configured differently.
Confirm Mailing Address: This step serves as a Place-holder and reminds the Closing Coordinator to review the account and contact information (if any way provided) prior to sending welcome letters. This step would then manually be moved to:
Send Welcome Letter & Portal Key: This step is designed to send the Welcome Letter to the homeowner. The Welcome Letter typically consists of a standard Letter Template, A letter template that provides the Account Number and Portal Key to allow quick and easy access to the Homeowner's Portal, and whatever other Association-Specific documents that may be found in the Association > Documents > Welcome Packet folder.
This allows for you to include those specific items such as Key Fob forms, ARC Guidelines, and Rules and Regs that your boards want each owner to have included. This step would then automatically advance to:
Notify Board/Welcome Committee: This step will typically involve an Email Template that briefly lets the Board or Welcome Committee know there is a new member of the community. This step would then automatically advance to:
Hold Fees and Collections: This step will, as the name implies, hold Late Fees and Collections while the Action Item remains in this step. This acts as a grace period for new owners. By default, this Action Item will remain at this step for 30 days, and then advance to:
Complete: A Closing step.
Owner Response: If a homeowner responds via the portal or email after the Action Item is closed, it will re-open in this step.
Response to Owner: This step is simply used to answer any "Owner Responses" without the need to "re-open" the steps that produce communications themselves.
Void: A Closing step. Will often be set to "Hide From Portal."
To confirm what will be sent to the homeowner on the Send Welcome Letter step, navigate to Settings > Action Types/Steps and find the New Owner Set Up action type. Click the Hamburger Menu on the appropriate step, then select Letters and/or Emails to see what will be sent at this step.
Visit the Letter Templates 101 and How to Edit an Action Item Email Template articles for more information on templates.
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