Summary: This article will detail what processes will and won't work once an association is marked Not Live.
To mark an association Not Live, navigate to the Association > Association List screen and click Edit on the association that is to be marked Not Live.
Uncheck the Live checkbox. Click Update to save the changes.
The following processes/functions will work:
- Manually generating and deleting charges
- Manually stepping action items
- The Lockbox will commit and post whatever is sent from the bank - non-live associations are in the lockbox file until the bank stops sending it
- Paylease payments will be posted
- Invoice remittance emails
- Blocked payment flag will only show up
- You CAN generate logins (but these won't be sent and the homeowner can't login)
- Bulk step action items
- Geolocation for the mobile app
- (PPB Only) New bank request
The following processes will not work:
- Services:
- Money Movement
- Vantaca will not look for the bank final statement
- Outbound communication will not send: print queue, email, or text
- Charge generation (process will not happen but you can manually do it)
- Nightly generations and processes such as collections
- Action items that are set to automatically advance
- Paying Invoices
- Vantaca will not check for: balances, check images, statements
- Association is excluded from the validation file
- Recurring transfers and journal entries stop posting
- Owner ACH and payment plans and recurring eChecks will stop
- Auto-posted contracts will stop
- Action items that will send an email: the email will show as processed but will just get lost
- Auto Fee waiver
- ACH-Positive pay - if you cut a check, it will not show up in the bank register
- No access to the Service Providers > 1099 Balances screen
For information about offboarding an association, visit the Offboarding an Association article.
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