Summary: This article will show how to reset a homeowners portal password in and on the Portal itself.
The scenario of a homeowner needing to reset their password is a common one. There are a few options when trying to reset a homeowners password. The homeowner can login into their account and navigate to the My Contact Info screen, or they can click on I forgot my password on the main login screen.
Staff of the management company can navigate to the homeowners account in Vantaca, which will give you the option to send a reset password email or manually change their password.
Homeowners Resetting their password on the Portal:
- A homeowner can change their password in their Portal by navigating to the My Contact Info screen and selecting the Password tab. They will then enter their old password, set a new password, and click Update.
- If a Homeowner doesn't remember their password, on the login screen, they have a button for I forgot my login/password.
- Once they homeowner has selected I Forgot my Password, it will request their Login Email Address. Once they have entered their Login Email, they will want to select Reset Password.
- After selecting Reset Password a message will appear stating Please check your email for further instructions. The homeowner now has received a temporary password with instructions on how to change their password once logged in.
*Note* A common mistake we see homeowners make on this screen is clicking that Reset Password multiple times which will cause their password to be reset multiple times and send the homeowner multiple emails with different passwords. The latest email will be the one with the correct password but those multiple emails can confuse some homeowners. In this scenario we suggest manually changing the homeowners password with the method below.
Resetting a Password on the Homeowners Account in
- First, navigate to Homeowner > Logins from the drop down menu.
- Click on Reset Password, which will send the homeowner an Email with a temporary password and instructions on how to change their password on the Portal. This will create a Password Reset Action Item, as well as an Activity Note.
- Another method to reset the homeowner's password from the Homeowners > Logins screen and clicking Edit
- A pop up window will appear with their login information with a blank password field (the password does not show for security purposes)
- Now enter the new desired password into the blank password field and click on Update
- This new password will override their current password
- Note: This does not automatically email the owner the password you entered. You will need to contact the owner to inform them of their new password.
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