There are two ways for a homeowner to register for the portal. Depending on if the owner has their portal key determines how they will register.
For Homeowners with a portal key
The Portal Registration Key helps in automating the Portal Sign-up process. So long as the Portal Key and Account number match, a portal login can safely and effortlessly be created by the system, with no manual entry from your team!
Simply adding the Portal Key as a Merge Tag to your existing welcome letters will give your new owners a way to sign up instantly to your portal, without the need to wait for your team to create those logins.
Every existing and new owner will have an automatically generated Portal Key that can be used to sign up for the portal. When the owner clicks Sign Up, they will be directed to a page to enter the information in the attachment below. If the registration key and account number are the correct combination, the owner will have instant access to the portal.
Note: For more tips on adding the Portal Key to your communications, watch our Portal Key Best Practices Webinar.
Homeowners that do not have their portal key
Homeowners can click the Sign Up button in the portal to request a login. Owners only need to sign up to request a login, if they did not receive login credentials from the Generate Portal Login action item.
When the homeowner clicks Sign Up, if they do not have the registration key they must click the link stating I do not have a valid key. From there, they are prompted to enter their name, email address, phone, address, association, and account number (optional). Once the owner clicks Create, a Portal Registration action item is automatically created in Vantaca.
Note: The Additional Action of Portal Login Request must be selected on the Rules of the first step on your Portal Registration action type in order for the Sign Up button to appear on the portal page for your homeowners.
Portal Registration action items begin as an "orphan action item" meaning it is not yet matched to an owner's account. The management company employee who receives the action item must edit the action item and search for the owner based on the info that the owner submitted. To edit the action item, click the hamburger Menu (three horizontal lines) then select Edit. Next, assign the correct Association and Homeowner to the action item.
Once the homeowner is tied to the action item, click the Update and Select button so that the action item is anchored in your action center panel. Next, navigate to Homeowners > Contact Info and add the owner's email address by clicking + New Contact. So that the owner can receive email communication from Vantaca.
Next, change the 'Current Step' to '2 - Send Portal Key'. This will send a new homeowner an email with their Account Number and Portal Key to create a New Login. Click the Preview button to see the email with the Account Number and Portal Key.
Note: If the Portal Registration request was sent in by an email address other than the primary email address, you will need to add that email to the "Other Email" field.
Note: If the Portal Login/email address already exists, the Portal Registration Action Item will not generate a login request and the Action Item will automatically close. Also, be sure to check the Role under the 'Send To' Column for the Action Step 'Owner Response'. If a Homeowner receives the Portal Registration email and has a question or comment, that role is who will receive the message from the Homeowner in 'My Action Items'.
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