Before you can start customizing your Credit Card text, you’ll need to make sure that you have the following options enabled:
- In Settings > Interfaces, you’ll need to have a bank or third-party payment interface turned on.
- Contact our Support Team if you need to make changes to your Banking Interfaces.
- In Association > Portal Pages, the Credit Card Payment page needs to be enabled.
- Note: If this page is not enabled, there will be no credit card options available on the Portal page.
Enabling and Naming the Buttons
- Go to Association > Settings > Portal.
- Select the Edit button on the third-party payment provider you’re configuring.
- Select Yes from the dropdown list for the associated Allow [third-party payment provider] Redirect Payments. Note: This field may already be enabled.
- Enter the text you want to display for your homeowners in the Payment Label field and select the Update button to save your changes.
How it Looks in the Portal
How can I change this across all Associations at once?
To make these changes globally, you can update the Association > Settings on your Model Association.
NOTE: If you are using a bank portal to accept payments, you will not see the Payment Label option by default. You must have an integrated bank account active on your model association for the option to appear. Add a fake bank account to your Model by following the steps outlined in this article: Association Bank Accounts
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