Scout is Vantaca's Support AI. It provides quick answers to questions about your management company, association documents and data, and the Vantaca Library.
Important: Scout has access to the Association > Additional Info dataset by default. Ensure that this information is accurate and up-to-date so that Scout can provide the correct answer when asked questions about these topics.
- Enablement
- Role Security
- Scout AI Upload Ability
- Grant Scout Access to Folders
- Scout Document Status
Contact your Vantaca CSM to enable Scout for your management company.
Role Security
You can add the ability to use Scout to different roles. For each role that you want to be able to use Scout:
Navigate to Settings > Roles.
The Roles page displays. -
Search for the role that you want to allow to use Scout.
For example, in the following image, the user wants to allow System Administrators to use Scout and enters admin in the search field to display all roles that include the word "admin".
Click the caret (1) next to the role name to open it (ensure the Security tab (2) is selected).
Go to the Scout AI section and click Edit next to Scout Access.
The Edit Role Security screen opens. -
Select View, and then click Save changes.
- Repeat this procedure for each role that you want to have access to Scout.
Scout AI Upload Ability
You must allow at least one role in your management company to grant Scout access to uploaded documents. This role can then be responsible for enabling the permissions on the selected folders for Scout use.
To enable the ability to grant Scout access to documents:
Navigate to Settings > Roles.
The Roles page displays. - Use the search field to find the role you want to allow to change folder permissions and give Scout access. The previous procedure provided an example.
- Click the caret next to the role name to open it (ensure the Security tab is selected).
Go to the Association section and click Edit next to Documents.
The Edit Role Security screen opens. -
Select Scout AI Upload Ability, and then click Save changes.
Grant Scout Access to Folders
Scout uses uploaded documents to find answers to the questions that users ask about the association. Roles with the Scout AI Upload Ability permission can grant Scout access to selected folders.
To grant Scout access to selected folders:
- Navigate to Association > Documents.
Right-click a folder that you want to let Scout access and select Edit Folder.
The Edit Folder screen displays.
From the AI Folder Security field, select the option for who Scout can provide this information:
Not Available: This folder is not available for Scout access.
Inherited: This folder inherits the parent folder Scout access permission. This is useful if you always want child folders to have the same permission as the parent folder.
Available: Scout can access this folder.
From the Document Category field, select as many categories as necessary to identify the type of information in the folder.
The categories increase Scout's efficiency, as it knows which type of information to look for when asked a question. For example, if asked a question about financials, Scout will first look through folders marked with a financial category. - Click Update.
Scout Document Status
With Scout enabled, the Association > Documents page includes a Status legend that shows which folders and documents Scout can access.
The Status legend includes:
Scout Enabled: Shows next to folders that have the AI Folder Security option set to anything other than Not Available. Child folders within Scout-enabled folders inherit the Scout permission of the parent folder. You can change this by following the previous procedure and selecting the desired option for the child folder.
Queued for Scout: Shows next to documents that are not fully uploaded to Scout but are pending.
Processed by Scout: Shows next to documents that are fully uploaded to Scout.
Unsupported By Scout: Indicates an unsupported document type. The Scout-supported types include:
- image (any type)
- .docx
- .pptx
- .xlsx
- .html
- Refresh: The folder and document status display when the page loads but do not refresh automatically. Click Refresh to see updated status information (e.g., when you are waiting for a pending document).
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