Summary: Provide an overview of the use of the Collections Preview and Collections History in Vantaca.
Is this the first time that you are turning on collections? If so, you are in the right place. But first, have you turned on your late fees? If not, turn on late fees and review once they have posted.
Vantaca's collection process is highly automated. To ensure that your collection settings and action item configuration is going to produce the expected results, Vantaca can generate a preview of owners who would be entered or escalated in collections before actually turning collections on.
To generate this preview, navigate to Mailroom > Collections Preview. Select all associations (or just a single association if you are turning on collections for a single association) and choose Generate Preview.
Depending on volume of data this process may defer to run overnight to maintain needed speed and performance during business hours. In this case, you can review the collections generation in the same screen the next day. Displayed will be collections changes that would have occurred if collections was turned on.
After reviewing the collections preview, make any adjustments needed to collection settings if results produced in the preview were other than desired. If the collections preview results are satisfactory, navigate to the Association > Settings; in the Collections section and change the Active to ‘Yes’. The collections process will now run overnight.
The next day review what was generated by navigating to Mailroom > Collections History. The screen will show you any collections action items created, or stepped, over the course of the last two weeks. To adjust the dates, select different dates using the date fields to the right of the words Date Range. To export this information to Excel click the Run Collections Audit button. The Audit Date just to the left of the Run Collections Audit button determines what is included in the collections audit.
This will generate an Excel Spreadsheet that will show you which accounts were escalated in collections as well as what the step change was. If many didn’t generate as expected and settings need to be adjusted, you can select the association(s), selected the items you wish to rollback, and click Rollback Selected Items button.
This will pull letters from the print queue, remove any related fees and remove the action items from the accounts, eliminating the record of those collections items. Unless disabled, collections will then run again the following day and account for any settings changed.
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