There are a couple of ways a work order can be received into Vantaca:
A homeowner will log in to their portal page and submit a work order from there. Once in Vantaca, the action item will automatically step to Review Request.
- A homeowner will call/email/walk into the office with a work order request and the company employee will enter the work order into Vantaca. Request Received
If the work order request was received outside of the portal, it can be entered into Vantaca by searching for that homeowner, and clicking on New Action Item on their Homeowner account page. It is important that the action item begin at the Request Received step with this method. That employee can then enter all the necessary data for the work order, including any attachments, such as images or email messages, that might help the service provider with the work order. Images can be added under the Attachments header on the Action Item screen.
Review Request
At the Review Request step, the manager, or whomever is responsible for reviewing work orders, will review the information and make sure it's all entered in correctly and whether or not it's a work order that the association is responsible for.
Note: While reviewing the request and the reviewer finds that it's not something the association is responsible for repairing, the work order can be stepped to Not Association Responsibility. A response will then be sent to the homeowner letting them know it's something they will be responsible for taking care of.
Send to Service Provider/Send to Service Provider for Estimate
After review, if the work order is a request to be sent to a service provider, the reviewer will step the work order to one of two steps:
- Send to Service Provider
- Send to Service Provider for Estimate
The reviewer will now need to select a Service from the dropdown and the appropriate company from the Service Provider dropdown.
Note: The Vantaca system will only allow you to choose one service provider, if other providers or people need to be included in this email, they can be entered into the Other Email field.
Service Provider Assigned
Once the work order is assigned, the service provider will receive an email with the work order and the necessary details. The work order will automatically step to Service Provider Assigned and an email will be sent out to the homeowner, notifying them that the work order has been sent to a provider.
Pending Completion
When the work order is stepped here, it is a good idea to enter in a Follow Up Date and or a Due Date in order to check back and make sure the work order was completed in a timely manner. This can be done by clicking on Edit Action Item in the homeowner's action items page and entering in said dates. The action item will then remain in the Pending Completion step until the follow up date has been reached.
Follow Up and Complete
The work order will step to Follow Up, which is sent to the manager, or the person responsible for reviewing work orders. Once that person has confirmed that the work order has been completed, it can then be stepped to Complete. If the reviewer wishes to send the work order to other steps before doing so, steps such as Board Review, Manager Review, or On Hold, those options will be available as well.
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