The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) applies to all legal entities formed or registered in the US and impacts most homeowners and condominium associations. Management Companies must file this report annually.
Because Vantaca includes board, contact, and association information, we can help you easily fulfill the reporting requirements through our integration with FinCEN Report.
Simply fill out the interest form on our website, and a member of FinCEN Report will contact you.
This section shows the association information that Vantaca sends to FinCEN Report and where to find it on the screen.
Edit Association Screen
Navigate to Association > Association List, and then click Edit next to the desired association to open the Edit Association screen. Fields sent include the following:
- Code (1)
- Name (2)
- TaxID (3)
- Type (4)
Address - Edit Screen
Navigate to Association > Addresses, and then click Edit next to the desired address to open the Edit screen. Fields sent include:
- Address1 (1)
- Address 2 (2)
- City (3)
- State (4)
Note: The Property Management Company must ensure that the state is accurately registered with the Secretary of State website prior to filing. - Zip (5)
Administrator User - Edit Screen
Vantaca sends information for the association System Administrator (the earliest user designated as an administrator that is still active). You can typically see this information by navigating to Settings > User and then clicking Edit next to the Administrator user to open the Edit screen.
- User Name (1)
- eMail (2)
- Cell Number (3)
Association Manager
Vanataca sends the name and associated email for everyone marked as a Manager for the association. You can typically find this information by navigating to Association > Board/Committee and looking for Manager under Role. An association may have more than one Manager.
Vantaca sends all Board and Committee member information to FinCEN Report. This is because every management company and association is different in how they assign and name roles inside the Vantaca system.
To make sure that your Vantaca role definitions align with FinCEN Report, make sure the word "Board" is in either the Type or Role field on the Edit Board/Committee Member screen for individuals who are on the association's board. Each of them will be imported into FinCEN Report as a beneficial owner. Also, make sure that each individual board member has a unique email address. If multiple individuals share a single email address (i.e. you will not be able to use the FinCEN Report system as intended.
We do not send outdated members with an end date that occurred before you onboarded with FinCEN Report and they pulled the data. Anyone with an end date prior to that time is excluded. For example, if the End Date field shows a past date (e.g. 1/1/2024), the board member is not passed to FinCEN Report as part of the integration. If the End Date field shows a future date (e.g. 1/1/2026), that board member information is passed through the integration to FinCEN Report until the 1/1/2026 date passes.
You can typically see this type of information by navigating to Association > Board/Committee and then clicking Edit next to the desired member to open the Edit Board/Committee Member screen.
Information sent includes the Code and Type fields from the Edit Association screen (in the previous section) as well as the following fields:
- User Name (1)
- Email (2)
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