Summary: This article will show you the step-by-step process of successfully merging owner accounts.
Verify Merge Information
Verify the Mailing Address and Name of the accounts you wish to merge. Payment methods for each account will remain separate and will not be merged.
Note: Unmerging accounts requires certain criteria to be met for the merged accounts to ensure additional errors are not created due to an unmerge occurring. Check out this related article for more information about where and how to Unmerge Homeowners.
Begin Merging
Once the Mailing Address and Name are verified for each account that is going to be affected, begin the merge process by going to the Homeowner List and finding the account you wish to merge into the other.
Press the Merge button next to that account you wish to merge and the Merge Homeowner window will display.
Search for the owner you wish to merge into by using the homeowner name and mailing address fields. Once the correct owner is found, press the Merge button to merge the originally selected account into that owner.
The accounts will then both show identical contact information and the merged properties will show on the All Properties tab on each of the merged account ledgers.
Note: The Owners Ledger > All Properties tab does not show any properties that do not have ledger items.
Other Helpful Things to Know:
- All contact info will be retained from both owners, so you may end up with duplicates that need to be deleted on the contact info page.
- Example: If "123 1st St" and "345 1st St" are merging, the Property Addresses of both of these properties are possible Primary Mailing Addresses once these properties are merged. If you have also added these addresses as under Homeowners > Contact Info, then they will appear as duplicates and will need to be removed to avoid possible duplicate letters generating.
- This can be done for owners who have properties in multiple associations. The owner will then be presented with a drop down selection in the portal to switch between properties.
- There is an available column for Home Owner ID on the homeowner list. This is the ID of the homeowner – if it is the same on two properties, those are already linked.
- Unmerging is complicated! Previously merged homeowner accounts can only be unmerged if certain criteria has been met, you can see what that criteria is here: Homeowner Merge Log. Attention to detail and keeping permissions to merge limited is highly recommended.
- Merged activity information can be found via Homeowner > Activity Notes on the account that the homeowner was merged into.
- When processing an Ownership Transfer, any accounts merged with the transferring account will automatically be unmerged, effectively isolating the transferring property. This is important to know when processing Master/Sub properties, as both master AND sub accounts will need to be transferred separately, and the new properties will need to be merged together after the transfer is complete.
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