Summary: This tutorial article supporting video demonstrates using Vantaca's Check Queue page to print checks for Service Provider payments.
A tutorial video can be found at the conclusion of this article!
Invoices paid via the check payment method will go to Vantaca’s Check Queue to be printed. To access the Check Queue and begin printing checks, hover over the Mailroom menu item and select Check Queue.
The Check Queue has two tabs: queue and jobs. All checks in the queue tab are ready to be printed. These checks can be selected and printed individually or can be bulk-selected as a part of a batch. Vantaca’s Check All buttons at the top of the Check Queue page will allow you to quickly and easily bulk select all checks of a specific type, such as those with electronic signatures (e-signature), those that need to be manually signed (Need Signature) and In-office checks.
You can also use the column settings, represented by the three vertical dots, to select the columns of information you want to sort by, and can use your search fields to filter down to exactly the checks you want to print, such as all checks for a single association.
Select any checks you want to print in the batch and click Print.
Upon clicking “Print”, the tab will automatically switch from Queue to Jobs and your check job will begin processing. This process may take a few moments depending on the batch size. You can click on the refresh wheel to refresh the page and see if your job has finished processing; when it is finished, it will move from Processing to Download.
Click the Download button to download the check file to your computer and print the PDF file with your printer designated for printing checks and you’re all set!
If you need to obtain a previously printed batch, such as yesterday’s check run, just click the Include Closed checkbox, find your desired batch and click Download.
The batch file will download in your browser. Follow your browser settings to open the check download.
Follow the print instructions for your browser. The shortcut for printing in Google Chrome is in the top right.
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