Summary: This invoice overview will assist in understanding the overall process of invoice action items.
Please follow the guidelines here, as manually stepping through the process may lead to inadequate results and may affect your AP process. Do Not Manually Step the Invoice Action Item.
Invoices can be entered into Vantaca three ways:
- Desktop Utility
- Invoice Action Item
The first step of the process is OCR Data. OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition, a process that attempts to auto populate:
- Association
- Service Provider
- Contract associated with the invoice attachment
Items in the Complete Data Entry step can be selected as a group through My Action Items on the Dashboard.
You can also find items in this step individually through Action Items > My Action Items or Action Items > All Action Items. For information on Coding Invoices, please visit Invoice Processing: Coding Invoices.
The next step of the process is the Check for Duplicate step, an automated process to detect duplicate invoices. If Vantaca believes the invoice may be a duplicate based on data entry -- for example, if the same invoice number has been entered for the provider and association previously -- the invoice will move to a Possible Duplicate step for manual review. The most efficient way of reviewing Possible Duplicates is by selecting these items from My Action Items on the Dashboard. Possible Duplicates can then be Voided or Verified, with Verified invoices then moving to the next step of the invoice process.
Step 5 in the process is: Manager Complete Data Entry. Managers review invoices from Accounting > Approve Invoices. The Approve Invoices page has three tabs:
- Ready to Approve: this tab contains invoices that have all data entered and are ready for the manager to approve.
- Complete Data Entry: this tab contains invoices that still need some form of data entry, often the GL.
- Provider on Hold: this tab contains invoices for providers that have been placed in a Hold Status. To adjust the Hold Status, navigate to Service Providers > Service Provider List and edit the Service Provider.
If an association requires board approval for invoices, the board invoice approver will access their homeowner portal and navigate to Board > Board Action Items. Board members have the option to approve, decline, and message about the invoice action item.
If the association requires Signature Approval, navigate to Accounting > Signature Approval and Approve or Decline invoices. Declined invoices will prompt the invoice to be voided.
Invoices are paid from the Accounting > Pay Invoices screen. The Pay Invoices screen has three tabs:
- Pay Now: this contains invoices that have sufficient funds and are due within a designated date threshold.
- Warning: this contains a combination of invoices that, for that association’s account, would cause the account to fall below a designated balance threshold. Invoices can be prioritized and paid directly from the Warning tab, or a transfer can be made to allow for all invoices to be paid.
- Future: in this tab you will find invoices that are due a designated number of days in the future. Invoices can be paid from the Future tab; however, those invoices will automatically filter to the Pay Now or Warning tabs at the date threshold.
Checks are printed from the Check Queue, found under Mailroom > Check Queue. Any checks selected will print in a batch, which is available for download on the Jobs tab.
Is there a video to watch?
While there is not a specific video to watch on Vantaca Library, there is an entire eLearning Course found in Vantaca University that can take you through, in depth, any of the steps of the above process, and much more! Talk to your Super User team if you'd like access to Vantaca University.
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