Summary: This article provides an overview of the Pre-Paid Review tab of the Approve Invoice Screen and how to interact with these invoices.
There are several scenarios where invoices are paid on behalf of an association, but an invoice is not received and routed through the approval process in the normal way. For example, a utility bill that is scheduled for Auto-Draft, where the utility company is pulling funds from the association's bank account. Another example is a Debit Card transaction. In these situations, the invoice is created and recorded at the reconciliation phase, after the money has been paid.
In some situations, even though the invoice is already paid, the invoice still requires the managers attention. For instance, if a utility auto-draft spikes above the normal bill amount, the manager may want to be made aware of this as soon as possible so that the underlying issue can be addressed as opposed to waiting until they review financials at the end of the month. If the charge is from a Debit Card transaction, the receipt may need to be added to the invoice for proper documentation. These invoices can be routed to the manager and will appear for them on the Approve Invoice screen on the Pre-Paid Review tab.
It is important to note that invoices on this tab are already paid and recorded.
From the Accounting > Approve Invoice screen, click the Pre-paid Review Tab to review the invoices.
The Step column will show what step the invoice is in and give indication of what needs to be done.
- Post Item Review - These invoices are most likely auto-draft invoices that were over the set threshold. The threshold is set on the Association Service Contract. (Read more about contracts here). These invoices are simply notifications, your next action is to Approve them so that they are cleared from your queue.
- Needs Documentation - These invoices need documentation or information. An example would be a Debit Card transaction that needs a corresponding receipt. Your next action is to check and potentially reclass the GL and then Approve the invoice to attach the documentation.
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