Summary: Tenant records are maintained through Homeowners > Tenant. Select the homeowner to add/edit a tenant. Lease Start and End dates will contribute to tracking in the Lease Action Type.
Navigate to Homeowners > Tenants to add or view tenant information.
Click the + Add Tenant button to add a new tenant. Click the Edit button to make changes to a current tenant record.
Next, enter applicable tenant information in the appropriate fields. Click Update when complete.
To determine if a homeowner has a tenant associated with a property, view the Tenant field within the homeowner header. Displayed below is the Homeowner Action Items page for Calvin & Grace Coolidge – we can see that Peter Pan is listed as a tenant. To view the Action Items page for tenant, simply click the Tenant hyperlink (in this example click Peter Pan).
Clicking the Tenant will navigate to the Homeowners > Tenants page.
Exporting Tenant Info
It is also possible to export Tenant info for a single Association or Across all Associations using this screen. On the Homeowners > Tenants, click either of the following options, shown below, to have an excel export of all available tenant information:
-Export this Association's Tenants
-Export all Associations' Tenants
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