Sometimes Associations and Boards realize that the grass is not always greener elsewhere, and you get a chance to Manage an Association that was previously lost. In this article, we'll discuss best practices around re-acquiring a previous Association, as well as look at specific potential issues when trying to "pick up where you left off" with an old Association.
When Re-onboarding an Association
In the event that you have successfully re-acquired an Association, the best practice is to treat that Association as a NEW Association. Attempting to re-activate a previously-lost Association will add to loads of trouble to your onboarding journey. The small "win" that you will have with retaining previous homeowner account numbers is negligible to the extra effort required for everything else. Trying to fill in the gaps with owner history, financial data, etc. will be very tedious, time consuming, and largely manual. Items like Ownership Transfer will need to be done at the right time.
In nearly all scenarios, it's best to start fresh with a new Association.
Things to Consider
- Change the AssocCode of the previous Association
- Mark Bank Accounts "Inactive" in the Old Assoc
- Retain the original records for history, do not delete
Potential Issues with Re-onboarding the same Association
Problem: I am not receiving Bank-side Transactions with my new Association on the Reconciliation screen.
If an association is marked Not Live but the bank accounts in that association are not marked inactive, Bank-side transactions may still be added to the Left side of the Accounting> Reconciliation page. If a new version of the association is added with the same bank accounts, it will link the transactions to the old Association (since they are the same account number).
When looking at the Accounting > Reconciliation page for your new Association, It appears as though the bank integration is not working. You see transactions going through on the Vantaca side (Right Side) of the reconciliation page but not on the bank-side (Left Side).
Resolution: Inactivate the bank accounts in the not-live association. This will allow us to pull in transactions to the correct account. Select the association in Association> Bank Accounts. Delete the bank account in the Not Live association so that transactions appear under the Live association after it's been re-acquired.
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