The Architectural Review (ARC)Voting feature allows board members to vote on architectural requests. It is not automatically turned on for management companies or associations. For the best functionality, follow the default configuration procedures in this guide.
Note: ARC Voting is only available for Vantaca Home portal users and not for Legacy (Modern or Classic) Homeowner Portals.
Board Roles
Configure the following role/permissions for any board user that will use the ARC Vote functionality:
- Navigate to Settings > Roles.
- Click the dropdown menu next to the Role that you would like to adjust.
For example, ARC Committee. - Add the following role securities (ensure both are enabled):
- Board ARC > View
- Board ARC > Add/Update
For more information about Vantaca Permissions, see the "Role Securities" article.
Action Types / Steps
You must adjust the flow of your existing ARC Action Item to use ARC Voting. This section requires the most configuration changes for this feature to function correctly. If you have different ARC Models that you want to move to ARC Voting, make these updates for each different ARC configuration that will use this functionality.
Note: To slowly roll out ARC Voting (or if some associations will use the ARC Chair method instead), you can copy your existing ARC Action Item and use both methods. You can select which ARC Model to use in the Association Settings below.
- Navigate to Settings > Action Types / Steps.
- Find the ARC Request Action Type that you want to update.
- (Optional) Select Add New Step to create your Board Approval step.
- Select the Rules for your Board Approval step.
- For Decision Required?, select Vote.
- For Next Step if Yes, select the desired option.
Note: This field determines the outcome of your vote and how your association will handle ARC Voting. For example, you could use ARC Chair Approval, Management Company Approval, or move directly to Approved. See the table at the end of this procedure for more information.
- For Next Step if No, select the desired option.
- Click Update to save the rules for your Action Item Step.
You can configure this workflow based on association or management company rules, policies, or best practices. For example, you may select a different Next Step If Yes option based on the following scenarios:
Next Step if Yes | Scenario |
Approved | You want the vote itself to determine if the ARC is approved/declined, and the letter template does not require special notes. |
ARC Chair Decision | You want a member of the ARC committee to have final say, and/or there may be special language in the letter template which requires a note. |
Manager Decision | You want a staff member to have the final say, and/or there may be special language in the letter template which requires a note. |
Association Settings
Adjust the Association Settings to fit your particular needs, as each association, state, etc., may have different needs. As with other association-specific items, you can also set your default on the model association and manage differences per association.
The Association > Settings page includes an ARC section with the following fields:
- ARC Model: This action item becomes the primary ARC workflow for this association. It is the action type created when a homeowner uses the Submit A Request > ARC Request page on the homeowner portal. When you create a new Action Item inside this association, it becomes the only ARC category Action Type in the dropdown list, except when using Additional ARC Models.
- Additional ARC Model: You can add multiple Action Types here which will be available when you create a new Action Item inside this association, as well as the ARC Model above.
- Require ARC Voting: This option controls if this association will allow ARC Voting on Vantaca Home.
- Approval Threshold: The upper limit for board member approval votes. After the threshold is reached, it automatically steps the Action Item to the Next Step if Yes step in the Action Item configuration.
- Decline Threshold: The upper limit for board member decline votes. After the threshold is reached, it automatically steps the Action Item to the Next Step if No step in the Action Item configuration.
Modify ARC Name: This field determines all references to ARC within Vantaca Home. The new name reflects not only in Home, but in the following areas:
- Left Navigation > ARC Page
- Dashboard > Board Tasks widget
- Dashboard > ARC Voting widget
- ARC Management Page > Page Title
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