Summary: The purpose of the article is to detail how to handle any errors that may occur with the general email account connected to Vantaca.
Integrated Email Process
Your management company has a general email that is connected to Vantaca. This is likely named something along the lines of "" or "" As email are received in the Inbox folder associated with the general email, the Vantaca email reader reads the email and passes it into Vantaca. The email is automatically moved to the Processed sub folder then this process is successful.
Possible Errors
There are two main errors that have the potential to occur and should be periodically monitored.
- If an email fails to be read by the email reader it will not be placed in the Processed sub folder, but instead, will automatically be moved to the Error sub folder.
- Possible causes for an email being moved to the Error sub folder include email tagged as spam, unreadable email format, or timing issues. If this occurs, take one of the following actions to resolve the error:
- Manually move the email back to the inbox folder to reattempt processing.
- Copy the content of the email into Vantaca to manually create/add to an action item.
- Contact Vantaca Support for further assistance.
- Possible causes for an email being moved to the Error sub folder include email tagged as spam, unreadable email format, or timing issues. If this occurs, take one of the following actions to resolve the error:
- If the email reader stops processing emails into Vantaca for any reason, you will note that emails start to accumulate in the Inbox folder.
- The likely cause for this error is some change to mailbox or system settings. If this occurs take the following action to resolve the error:
- Make the appropriate adjustments to allow processing if you can identify the setting that needs editing.
- Or, contact Vantaca Support for further assistance.
- The likely cause for this error is some change to mailbox or system settings. If this occurs take the following action to resolve the error:
Tip: The general email mailbox associated with Vantaca should be periodically (at least weekly) monitored for any processing errors. If errors are noted, the appropriate action detailed above should be taken.
More information about the Email Accounts in your Association can be found here: Mailroom > Email Accounts
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