Vantaca Reports
This article outlines the different reports currently available in Vantaca and what they report on. For more information on how to view reports, visit How to View Vantaca Reports.
Reports are split into six categories.
* Reports have filter/sort capabilities beyond simply date ranges.
Admin Billing Report
Shows a number of statistics across all associations in your database, including ACH and AP Drafts, Collections, and Violation letters. Full article with details on each field coming soon.
Bad Financial Summary
Shows all associations in your database with incomplete financials per the Financial Summary screen. Prints in portrait orientation.
Bad Financial Summary (New) *
Shows all associations in your database with incomplete financials per the Financial Summary screen. Can be customized to only show individual types of out-of-balance associations. Prints in landscape orientation.
Bank Account Balances
Excel-only report. Shows the balances and GL Accounts of all bank accounts in your database.
Billing Report
Shows a list of assessment charges that have rules assigned that did not post for the current month.
Note: This is typically used as a tool for New Associations to verify their Assessments have charged correctly, but may also be used at the beginning of the Fiscal year after Assessments are updated.
Cash Forecast Report
This Report shows the beginning balances of your account, then uses the YTD Actuals and your Budget to show what has been spent YTD and forecast the rest of the fiscal year based on this data.
Clean Financial Summary
Shows all associations with complete financials per the Financial Summary screen.
Daily Bank Unreconciled Items
Shows unreconciled bank-side items across all associations and all bank accounts.
Error Report
Shows all action items of the Alerts category created during the date range.
Full Invoice List
Excel-only report. Shows all invoices in the database. Equivalent to exporting from the Service Providers > Invoices page.
Merged Owners w/ Credit
Shows all homeowners with more than one property and with a credit balance across all associations.
Service Contract w/ No Activity
Shows all Service Contracts that have not generated an invoice within a month before the set beginning date.
Service Provider Usage Report (by Association)
Shows total invoices and non-invoice action items for all service providers, grouped by association.
Service Provider Usage Report (by Service Provider)
Shows total invoices and non-invoice action items for all service providers, grouped by service provider.
ARC Report *
Shows all ARC Request action items with a step in the given time range. Can adjust details shown and filter the action items by their current status.
Association List
Shows a list of all associations and their Tax IDs.
Collections Report *
Shows all Collections action items with a step in the given time range. Can adjust details shown and filter the action items by their current status.
Homeowner Charge Percentages
Shows all Charge Percentages currently set up in the association.
Homeowner Charge Tags
Shows all Charge Tags currently set up in the association.
Homeowner Other Tags
Shows all Other Tags currently set up in the association.
Open Board Invoices Report
Shows all outstanding invoices currently in the Board Approval Step.
Open Invoices Report
Shows all open Invoice action items for the association, grouped by service provider.
Owner Transfer Report
Shows all ownership transfers that were processed during the time period, as defined by all action items that had a step with the "Create New Owner Action Item" additional action created.
Paid Invoice by Service Provider
Shows all service provider contact information and invoice amounts paid to each for a specified date range.
Violations Report *
Shows all Violations action items with a step in the given time range. Can adjust details shown and filter the action items by their current status.
Work Order Summary *
Shows all Work Order action items with a step in the given time range. Can adjust details shown and filter the action items by their current status.
Annual Budget Comparison
Compares annual GL budgets and actual data for the current fiscal year, the last fiscal year, and the next fiscal year, if budget information is available.
Annual Budget Comparison with Percent
Compares annual GL budgets and actual data for the current fiscal year, the last fiscal year, and the next fiscal year, if budget information is available with a column for percent difference.
AP Aging
Shows invoices that have been expensed but not yet paid as of the end date.
AP Aging by Fund
Summary of invoices by fund that have been expensed to a fund but not yet paid.
AR Aging *
Shows money owed by owners as of the process date, and can be filtered to include or exclude previous owners and charges outside of the Assessment charge type.
AR Aging (No Credit Balances) *
Same as the AR Aging report, but does not include any instances in which the owner has a credit balance in non-Credit type charges at the process date.
AR Aging (Utilities) *
Displays only unpaid charges for utility assessments.
AR Aging By Fund *
Same as AR Aging, but with charges broken out by Fund.
AR Aging by Subledger
Shows a summary of owners with a balance owed broken out by subledger charge as of the process date.
AR Aging By Unit
Summary of owners with a balance owed broken out by charge as of the process date sorted by Unit.
AR Aging By Year *
Same as AR Aging, but with charges split out based on the year they were charged.
AR Aging Summary *
Same as AR Aging report, but without charge breakdown. Helpful for large associations.
AR Aging w/ Bankruptcy *
Same as AR Aging report, but with an indication when an owner has a bankruptcy action item.
Balance Sheets
Shows asset vs liability and equity GLs.
Balance Sheet (2 Col)
Depicts the GL by Fund, split into the Operating or Reserve group as dictated by the Report Group setup in Association > Funds.
Balance Sheet (Funds)
Splits the GL by Fund, with each Fund in its own column.
Balance Sheet (Funds)(w/ Codes)
Identical to the Balance Sheet (Funds), but includes the Codes for each GL Account.
Balance Sheet (w/ Codes)
Identical to the Balance Sheet - Consolidated, but includes the Codes for each GL Account.
Balance Sheet (w/ Reserve Report Group Breakout)
Summary of assets, liabilities, and equity GL accounts broken out by reserve report group with a consolidated operating fund column.
Balance Sheet - Consolidated
Disregards Funds, instead groups totals purely by GL Account.
Balance Sheet - Groups Only
Disregards funds and groups totals purely by GL Group.
Balance Sheet by Fund
Splits the GL by Fund, with each Fund shown in its own section one after the other.
Balance Sheet Monthly Comparison
Compares the data as presented by the Balance Sheet - Consolidated for the chosen "current" month and the month immediately before.
Balance Sheet Monthly Comparison (w/ Codes)
Identical to the Balance Sheet Monthly Comparison, but includes the Codes for each GL Account.
Balance Sheet W/ Breakout
Similar to the Balance Sheet - Consolidated, but includes a breakout of the individual GL Accounts that splits their total into their Funds.
Bank Reconciliation
Shows the reconciliation summary of each of the association's bank accounts as well as their reconciled and unreconciled items for the given period.
Bank Reconciliation by Bank Report
Summary of association's bank account reconciliation. Breaking out reconciled and unreconciled items per bank account.
Bank Register
Shows all items on the Association Bank Register (Association > Bank Register) with dates from the beginning of the month to the chosen date. Does not include deleted items.
Shows all budgets set for the Fiscal Year of the selected process date.
Budget w/ Per Unit Cost Report
Shows a per-property cost breakout including the monthly property figure. Available as Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Annual range types.
Budget Spread Report
Shows all budgets set for the Fiscal Year of the selected process date as compared to the actual value of each GL Account, including the variance.
Budget Status By Year Report Export
Allows the users to export budget status for all associations.
Cash Disbursement
Shows Transfers and Invoices activity from the Association Bank Register and how their totals are assigned to each GL Account. Runs from the beginning of the month to the set process date.
Cash Disbursement (Variable Start Date)
Identical to the Cash Disbursement report but the start date can be manually set. Defaults to the beginning of the month.
Deposit Register
Shows deposit items in the Association Bank Register for the given timeframe. This is all items of the types Manual Owner Deposit, Transfer In, Lockbox Deposit, ACH Deposit, Credit Card Deposit, and Misc Deposit.
Equity Report
Shows all Equity GLs for an Association, with a breakdown by Fund.
GL Trial Balance
For the timeframe passed in, defaulting to the beginning of the month through to the end date, shows each GL Account that has been touched and all items that have touched it, split into Debits and Credits. Also shows the Beginning Balance and Ending Balance for the time period.
GL Trial Balance (Expense Only)
Same as the Gl Trial Balance, but only shows GL Accounts of the Expense type.
GL Trial Balance (Income Only)
Same as the Gl Trial Balance, but only shows Income Type GL Account activity
GL Trial Balance By Fund *
Splits out the GL Trial Balance into Funds, and can filter down to showing individual Funds.
GL Trial Balance By Fund (Expense Only)
Shows all Expense GL account activity with an activity date, including the debit and credit entry tied to it, broken out by fund. Includes GL Account Beginning and Ending Balances for that period in time.
GL Trial Balance By Fund - Quarterly *
Splits out the GL Trial Balance into Funds, and can filter down to showing individual Funds for a quarterly date range.
GL Trial Balance By Groups *
Same as the GL Trial Balance, but defaults to the last year and allows you to filter to individual GL Groups and GL Accounts.
GL Trial Balance Consolidated
Same as the GL Trial Balance, but groups items of the same type on the same date into a single batched row.
GL Trial Balance Summary
Same as the GL Trial Balance, but does not include the individual item breakdown for each GL Account, instead just showing the totals for each Account over the time period.
Global Service Provider Payments *
Displays a list of payments made to service providers for all of the client's associations. Can be exported to Excel.
Income Forecast Report
Similar to the Budget Spread Report, but shows real values for all past months and budget values for all future months.
Income Statements
Shows income vs expense GLs over the current period (usually monthly) and YTD, as well as their budget values for comparison.
Income Statement (2Col)
Splits the GL by Fund, split into the Operating or Reserve group as dictated by the Report Group setup in Association > Funds.
Income Statement - Consolidated
Consolidates the Funds into a single Operating Fund and shows a monthly current period.
Income Statement - Groups Only
Removes the individual GL Account totals, instead just showing the GL Groups.
Income Statement - Quarterly
Same as the Income Statement - Consolidated but with a quarterly current period.
Income Statement By Fund - Quarterly
Shows quarterly income statement data by Fund with totals per fund..
Income Statement By Groups *
A standard Income Statement with additional filtering by GL Group.
Income Statement Summary
Shows Income Statement totals on a month-by-month basis for the entire year, formatted similarly to the Budget Spread Report.
Income Statement - Group Only Consolidated
Displays the sum of GL Account activity broken out by GL Group consolidated into the Operating fund. Actual and budget amount comparisons of the current month and fiscal year to date are included on the report.
Income Statement Summary - Consolidated
Same as the Income Statement Summary but with Funds consolidated into a single Operating Fund.
Income Statement Summary - Rolling 12 Month
Same as the Income Statement Summary but runs on a rolling 12 months instead of the Fiscal Year. Ex: April - March when Fiscal Year is Jan-Dec.
Income Statement W/ Breakout
Same as the Income Statement - Consolidated but with an additional breakout of the individual GL Accounts that splits their total into their Funds.
Income Statement with Cash Flow
Same as the Income Statement W/ Breakout but with an additional Cash Flow section, which includes GL Types outside of Income and Expense for any GL Accounts with Budgets set up.
Income Statement with Codes
A standard Income Statement with no consolidation by Fund.
Income Statement with Codes - Fund NOI (Sections)
A standard Income Statement with separation of Income and Expenses account in fund format used to report on same data by fund.
Income Statement Yearly Comparison (Month)
Shows a comparison of monthly values as in the Income Statement with Codes for the current period's month and the same month one year ago.
Income Statement Yearly Comparison (YTD)
Shows a comparison of YTD values as in the Income Statement with Codes for the current period's Fiscal YTD to the same YTD one year ago.
Operating Cash Flow
Shows operating income minus cash expenses for a given period.
Prepaid Homeowners
Shows all owners with a total in their Credit charge type as of the chosen date.
Prepaid Homeowners by Charge Report
Shows all owners wit a credit total broken out by charge as of the specified date.
Prepaid Homeowners by Subledger
Shows all owners with a credit total broken out by subledger as of the chosen date.
Proposed Annual Budget
Shows the current Budget set up by GL Account as compared to the Budget set up for the next fiscal year. This shows both income and expense GLs.
Proposed Annual Budget Comparison
Same as the Proposed Annual Budget Report with additional Month and Per Unit columns
Proposed Annual Budget Comparison (w/ Notes)
Same as the Proposed Annual Budget Comparison Report with user inputted notes included on the report after the Per Unit column.
Proposed Budget Spread Report
Shows all budgets set for the current and next Fiscal Years of the selected process date as compared to the actual value of each GL Account, including the variance and a Per Unit/Month column.
Proposed Budget Spread Report (w/ Notes)
Same as the Proposed Budget Spread Report with an additional notes row under Variance.
Receivables Type Balance
Shows owner ledger charges and payments over a given date range alongside prior and current balance grouped by charge and owner.
Receivables Type Balance - Quarterly
Same as the Receivables Type Balance report but groups charges by the quarter they were charged in.
Receivables Type Balance By Year
Same as the Receivables Type Balance report but groups charges by the year they were charged in, similarly to the AR Aging by Year report.
Receivables Type Balance By Unit
Shows owner ledger charges and payment over a given date range alongside prior and current balances grouped by charge and owner, sorted by Unit.
Receivables Type Balance w/ GL Codes
Same as the Receivables Type Balance report but includes the GL Code as a prefix for each charge line item.
Refundable Deposit By Unit
Shows owners' refundable deposits over a given date range alongside prior and current balance, sorted by Unit.
Refundable Deposit Summary
Shows owners' refundable deposits over a given date range alongside prior and current balance grouped by deposit type.
Reserve Summary Report *
Shows contributions, expenditures, transfer activity, and balances for GL Accounts set to be put in the Reserve Summary Report per the Association > GL Accounts screen.
Reserve Summary Report By Fund *
Similar to Reserve Summary Report, except GL Accounts are further broken down by Fund.
Reserve Summary Report YTD *
Same as the Reserve Summary Report, but defaults to YTD instead of MTD.
Utilities Billing Activity *
Shows utility assessment charge information for the association within the selected date range.
Utilities Billing Monthly Comparison
Shows a comparison for the association's utility assessment charge information for the most recent complete month and month prior.
All Addresses Mailing Labels (Current Resident) *
Creates property address mailing labels for the selected association. Current Resident for the owner name and property address if different from Primary Mailing Address Mailing labels formatted to print on Avery 8160 or 5160 label.
All Addresses (Current Resident) Export *
Excel-only report. This report exports all addresses on the Homeowner > Contact Info page, and lists “Current Resident” for the owner name for the Property Address if that’s not the Primary Mailing Address.
All Addresses Export
Excel-only report. This Report exports all addresses in Homeowner > Contact Info, as well as the Property Address. This includes both those marked as "Mailing" addresses, and those not marked as such.
All Board Members
Excel-only report. A list of all board members and their contact information across all associations in the database.
Homeowner Contact Information
Excel-only report. This report exports a list of homeowners' contact information broken down by Address, Email, and Phone Number.
Homeowner Mailing Labels *
Creates mailing labels for owners, formatted to print on an Avery 8160 (or 5160) label sheet.
Homeowner Transaction History
Shows all transactions over the date range for the homeowner currently selected. If you're not sure what homeowner is selected, go to Homeowners > Ledger to easily check.
Homeowner Transaction History By Charge
Shows all transaction history by charge type within a date range for the selected homeowner.
Tenant and Lease Report
Shows all homeowners with leases and any tenants if available in the selected association up to a specified end date.
Lease History Report
Same as the Tenant and Lease Report but includes all previous tenants and can be filtered to a specific date range for the selected association.
Mailing Addresses Export
Excel-only report. This report exports all addresses in Homeowner > Contact Info that are marked as “Is Mailing Address.” (If there are none, the Property Address will be listed.)
Meeting Sign-in
Lists all homeowners alongside their contact information and a signature line.
Meeting Sign-In (Consolidated)
Similar to the Meeting Sign-in, but much smaller and with a few additional fields: a Proxy check box and an Ownership Percentage if the owners are set up with an Assessment with a percentage-type charge.
Owner Changes Summary Report
Shows the changes such as: phone numbers, emails addresses, names, that have been made to an Owner's Account. Owner Summary Reports are generated by the Association, and organized alphabetically by the homeowner's name.
Owner Violation Report *
Similar to the Violation Report at the Association Level. This report will show all violations received by a certain homeowner during a chosen time. This can be filtered using the same parameters as the Association Violation Report.
Property Mailing Labels *
Creates property address mailing labels for the selected association. Labels are formatted to print on Avery 8160 or 5160 label.
Statement Owner Exclude
Tenant and Lease History Report
Shows all homeowners with a lease as well as current and previous tenants.
Tenant and Lease Report
Shows all homeowners with leases and any tenants if available for the selected association up to the specified date.
Transaction History By Association *
Shows the Homeowner Transaction History report but for all owners in the association. This can also be run to include all Previous Owners or only Previous Owners with a balance.
Master GL Account List
Shows all GL Accounts set up in your database.
Shows all roles with permission and securities information.
User Roles
Shows all users of the specified role.
Homeowner statement reports. These reports must be run with the homeowner in question selected. If you're not sure what homeowner is selected, go to Homeowners > Ledger to easily check.
Statement (Last 2 Months)
The statement runs with values over the last two months.
Statement (Last Month)
The statement runs with values over the last month.
Statement (Last Zero Balance)
The statement runs with values since the last time the homeowner had a $0 balance.
Statement (YTD)
The statement runs with values over the current year.
Statement Last 2 months (No future charges)
The statement runs with values over the last two months with no future and upcoming charges.
Statement Last month (No future charges)
The statement runs with values over the last month with no future upcoming charges.
Statement YTD (No future charges)
The statement runs with values over the current year with no future upcoming charges.
Statement (Charge Summary)
The statement displays a balance summary for each charge.
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