Question: How do I add a note to an action item?
Answer: Navigate to the All Action Items > My Action Items screen. Search for the action item you are wanting to add a Note to.
Choose Select from the hamburger menu
Once you have selected this action item it will populate all of the information involved such as created date, homeowner information, and any previous steps/action taken on this action item.
Now that you have the action item selected you can add a Note by clicking on + New Message.
After selecting New Message, a pop up window will appear. This pop up window is where you will fill out all the information you want on this Note.
In the Send To field, choose Note as this will create an internal note. The Other Email field can be utilized if wanting to send this message to individuals email. Checking the High Importance box will flag this Note on the action item with an "!". The Subject field can be used the same as a subject field in an email. The Message field is where you will enter the actual Note.
We also have additional fields for adding an Attachment, Existing Attachment (an attachment that was previously attached on the action item), Documents (which pull from the Association Documents screen), and Reports.
Action Item Reports
If someone is wanting to Print this action item, they can attach the Action Item Report in the Report field.
Once all the information is filled out the way the user wants it, you will want to click on Update. After selecting Update, you will want to refresh this action item by clicking on the XN in your Action Center. The reason behind refreshing your XN is so your new Note appears along with the attachments/reports.
After you refresh the action item, you will see the new Note along with any attachments/reports.
The attachments/reports can be viewed by clicking the green paperclip icon.
As you can see above, you can toggle between attachments/report by clicking on the down arrow and selecting the document you want. This is also where you can print out the Action Item Report. As you can see I am currently on the Action Item Report, I will then next want to select the printer icon in the right hand corner. This will bring up a pop up screen that will give you the option to print.
If you're looking to delete an attachment from an action item, you can find this information by viewing: How do I delete an attachment on an action item?
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