This article will cover how to set up the rules of an Action Item charge type. This charge type allows for a homeowner to be charged a preset amount when they have an action item of a certain type at a certain step on their account.
What Are Action Item Charge Types?
These are used any time that a charge needs to be added when a work-flow reached a certain step. Some common examples of this type of charge include:
- Bank Returns
- Violations
- Collections (Send to Attorney)
- Move-In/Move-Out
- Amenity Requests
How Do I Create These Charges?
First, navigate to the Association > Assessments screen and select the association for which you would like to set up the charge.
Note: All charges that are applied to Homeowner accounts are established and managed form the Association > Assessments screen, including charges that are not technically Assessments.
If you do not already have your action item type assessment created, go ahead and do that next. Visit the How to Set Up a New Charge or Assessment for instructions on how to create a new assessment.
Note- In order to create a charge at a specific Action Item step, the Type of Charge must be set to Action Item.
Once the Action Item assessment is created, click on the drop-down arrow to the left of the charge to display the Rules tab, as shown below:
To create a new charge rule, click the +New Rule button to open up the Edit Action Item Rules screen.
Start Date: Pick a start date for this charge rule. Any date in the past will work if you want these charges to begin immediately.
End Date: An end date is rarely necessary. Only enter an End Date if you want these charges to stop at some point in the future.
Action Type: This is where you choose which Action Type creates the charge. Action Item charges are most often set up on the Bank Return and Violations action types but may be used on other action types as well. Be specific here, if you have multiple Violation Models, for example, be sure to choose the violation model appropriate for this Association
Action Step: This chooses which step of the above action type the charge will be applied on. When stepping an action item, only steps listed as part of rule will have the optional charge field when stepping.
Charge Amount: How much to charge by default at this step. When manually stepping, this can be edited using the charge field in the Action Item window.
Frequency: How frequently do you want to the system to charge the above amount? Setting this to "Daily" will charge the Homeowner every day that the action item remains at this step. Advancing the Action Item to a different step will stop the charge from continuing to apply.
Rule Description: Use this to give more description to the charge on the Ledger. The Ledger will display the Overall Charge Type, then the Rule Description. Use this is you want more clarification on your Ledger items.
Click Update once you're done. You may create multiple rules under the same charge type/assessment if needed. For example, a Violation Charge may have several rules for :
- Daily Fine
- Weekly Fine
- Monthly Fine
- One-Time Fine
How Do I Use These Charges?
As mentioned before, these charges are created on a Homeowner's ledger when an Action Item is stepped to a certain step. When stepping an Action Item that has an Action Item charge rule attached to that step, users will see a Charge Amount Box.
The amount in that Charge Amount box is the default amount, as set by the rule. If a user wants to charge a different amount, they can change the amount in this field.
Note: In the event that the rule charges based on a frequency, Vantaca will retain the overridden amount for the duration of the charge.
Clicking Update will add this charge to the Homeowner's Ledger.
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