Summary: The purpose of this article is to provide instructions for importing Tenant Records. You'll learn how to create and format a tenant records import spreadsheet and then import it successfully into Vantaca.
A Tenant Record Import requires a spreadsheet with at least the following required columns:
- AssocCode
- Account or OldAccount (Account is the account number of the Owner, not the Tenant.
The following columns can be included in the import, but are not required:
- FirstName
- LastName
- SecondaryTenantFirstName
- SecondaryTenantLastName
- Phone
- MoveIn (must be in MM/DD/YYYY date format)
- MoveOut (must be in MM/DD/YYYY date format)
- TenantPhone2
- TenantPhone2Label
- TenantPhone3
- TenantPhone3Label
- SecondaryTenantPhone
- SecondaryTenantPhoneLabel
- SecondaryTenantEmail
- SecondaryTenantEmailLabel
Example Import
Once your spreadsheet is formatted correctly, go to the Settings > Imports > Import tab. Click New Import, import type is Tenant, then add your spreadsheet.
A sample spreadsheet that you can use to get started is attached to this article.
Note: Your ability to import tenant records is based on the Tenants Import role security. If you do not have access to that import, please contact your system administrator.
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