Summary: The Association > Additional Info page is used in Vantaca to store additional information specific to an individual association. This article will provide guidance for how to update and use this additional information.
There is a ton of information that is important in your communities: Pool Info, ARC guidelines, and Board Meeting information are just the beginning. How are you keeping track of that information? Some organizations use pages and pages of binders, others use spreadsheets.
Additional Info
Like all pages in the Association menu, Additional Info is Association specific. To change associations, click the Association name in blue at the top of the page to open the Association Search window and select the intended Association to find info for that community.
Your Association > Additional Info may have multiple tabs at the top of the page. The General tab contains the basic Groups and Fields for your information. These fields are Global, as well as searchable. The Closings tab is only available if you have an integration enabled with HomeWise or CondoCerts, and will contain closing-specific details.
There are two ways to export data from Association > Additional Info:
- Clicking Export This Association to Excel will export all Groups, Fields, and Data from the selected Association.
- Selecting a Group, for example, "Pool" and clicking Export All Associations to Excel will export the Fields of your chosen Group for ALL Associations in your Portfolio in the same file. This is helpful when auditing your data to ensure all Associations have the correct data.
Update Association Additional Info
To enter additional information for a specific association, navigate to Association > Additional Info and select the association you want to add info to by clicking on the Select an Association link at the top.
Note: If you have a different Association selected, click on the Association Name to select the desired Association.
Navigate to Association > Additional Info
Select the association by clicking on the link in the top
Once the desired association is selected, a list of all association additional info fields that are currently available will be displayed. Now you can update that information.
In this example, we will update the Library group for Presidential Hills. Scroll down to the group Library, drill into the Group by clicking on the triangle to the left of the desired Group and then use the Edit button on the right side of any of the record you wish to edit in that group. A popup will appear with all the fields in the group, and that’s where you enter the information. Anything you enter here is specific to the selected association.
Note: If you do not have this have the Edit button, contact your System Administrator to adjust permissions settings.
Enter the information by clicking on one of the Edit buttons
After clicking Update, the information you entered will be saved to the association:
After clicking “Update” in the previous screen, the information for the association is updated
You can edit the information at any time by clicking one of the Edit buttons.
Using the Additional Info
All the fields in the Association Additional Info screen are available as tags in the letter and email templates. If you have permission to edit those templates, you’ll find the fields as tags in the Vantaca Word Add-in and in the Vantaca email template editor. They will be named by their group name followed by the field name (if the add-in is already opened, click “Reload” at the bottom to update):
The Additional Info page compared to the Vantaca Word Add-in
Vantaca Email Template Editor
Received email in Outlook with the tags
Adding New Additional Info Groups and Fields
With the necessary permissions, new fields and groups for the Association Additional Info screen can be added, edited, or deleted globally for all homeowners.
- Go to Settings > Custom Info > Association Info Group.
- Click the +New Association Custom Data Group to create a new group.
- Enter the name of the new group and click Update to finish creating the new group.
- Enter the name of the new group and click Update to finish creating the new group.
- We can now add Additional Association Info Fields to the newly created group by going to Settings > Custom Info > Association Info Fields.
- Select the Data Group you just created from the Choose a Data Group dropdown.
- Click the +New Field button to to add a new custom field.
- Enter the Field Label.
- Select from the Field Type dropdown. Note: Each Field Type option will determine how the information in the Additional Info record is formatted
- eMail: A validation will check whether the information is formatted as an email address
- Phone: Information will be displayed in a phone number format. (XXX) XXX-XXXX
- Textbox: A small text field will be available.
- TextArea: A large text field will be available.
- Date: Information will be displayed in a date format (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Number: Only numerical values can be entered. The provided box will allow users to add or subtract one number at a time by clicking on the side of it.
- Currency: A dollar amount
- Checkbox: Only a checkbox will be provided. Unchecked box will display as 'N', checked displays as 'Y'.
- Select the order you want them to appear on screen if there is more than one custom field.
- Click Update to save.
You can now use these newly created fields and group by going to Association > Additional Info and drilling down into the Custom Data Group and clicking Edit to enter information.
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