This article explains how to set up and use Vantaca IQ dashboards.
My Dashboard
When you log into Vantaca IQ for the first time, My Dashboard is the landing page that displays. If you previously set it up, it shows all of the tools and information that you arranged. On subsequent log in, you will see the last dashboard that you used.
If this is your first time accessing My Dashboard, you can customize it based on your individual needs. Set it up as you like by adding Performance tools to provide the information that you need.
Note: My Dashboard is the default. If you delete it and all of your other dashboards, a new My Dashboard appears as a placeholder.
To set up and use a private dashboard:
- Click Add Tool. The Select Performance Tools screen displays.
To add a Business Performance tool, Click Add Performance Tool.
To add an Association or Employee Performance tool, click Select Options, and then select the desired association or employee as needed. See the Performance Tools section for more information.
The selected tool displays on the dashboard. -
Click the Dates at the top of the screen to select them from a calendar view, or the dropdown arrow beside the Dates to select from the preset ranges.
The Performance tools reflect actions that occurred during the selected dates.
To open the Dashboards screen where you can search for, select, copy, or create another dashboard, click the caret beside the dashboard title.
- To mark a dashboard as a favorite, click the Star icon beside any dashboard title when it is displayed. The Dashboards screen will reflect your favorites.
Performance Tools
Click Add Tool on any dashboard to open the Select Performance Tools screen and see the available options.
Each Performance tool includes a description, the type of display, and the dashboard from which it originated. For example, the Action Item Activity comes from the Business dashboard and displays as a bar chart.
Note: You cannot add performance tools from dashboards that you don't have access to.
The tools are added to your dashboard in the order that you select them, but you can easily move them around to create a custom layout that best suits your needs (unless the dashboard was shared with you, in which case only the dashboard owner can add/remove tools and rearrange them. Click the
icon in the upper-right corner of any tool and drag it to the desired location.
Tip: Add two of the same performance tools side-by-side for employees or associations for which you want to track and compare data.
Business Tools
Click Add Performance Tool. Some hyperlinks on the Business tools will not be usable if you do not have access to certain employees or associations.
Association Tools
Click Select Options, select the association for which you want the tool to track data, and then click Add Performance Tool.
Note: You can only add Association tools for associations within your Portfolio.
For example, in the following image, the Action Item Activity tool for the Lake Crescent Owners Association will display as a bar chart.
Employee Tools
Click Select Options, select the employee for which you want the tool to track data, and then click Add Performance Tool.
Note: You cannot add employee-specific performance tools for an employee who is not assigned to you.
For example, in the following image, the Open My Items By Type tool for Shelley will display as a doughnut chart.
Multiple Dashboards
Multiple dashboards can help with information overload by letting you categorize and consolidate data into separate spaces. You can create multiple dashboards with different names and include different tools on each one (or multiple of the same tools with different information for comparison).
By selecting the dashboard you want to see and moving from one to another, you can always view the information that is most important to you at the time. Examples:
- Individual: Track information for different associations, your performance, etc. Switch from one dashboard to another depending on which association you are working with.
- Admin: Track information for different teams and share it with specific users. Switch to the appropriate team dashboard during a meeting to allow focused discussions and reviews.
You can delete any dashboard that you create.
You can view dashboards that an IQ Admin has shared with you, but you cannot delete, manage, or share them. For more information, see the next Shared Dashboards section.
Note: If there is a dashboard that you should have access to, see the "Vantaca IQ - Securities and Permissions" article or consult your IQ Admin so they can make the necessary changes.
To create a new dashboard:
Click the caret (1) next to My Dashboard. The Dashboards screen displays.
- Click the caret (1) next to My Dashboard.
The Dashboards screen displays. -
Click Dashboard.
The Create New Dashboard screen opens. - Enter a Dashboard Name.
Click Create.
The new dashboard displays. - Add Performance tools in the same way as for My Dashboard. For more information, see the Performance Tools section.
- Perform these steps again to create more dashboards.
Copy a Dashboard
To copy a dashboard:
Note: To change the name of a dashboard, create a copy with the new name and then remove the old one.
- Click the caret next to My Dashboard. The Dashboards screen displays.
Click the Copy icon () next to the dashboard that you want to copy.
The Copy Dashboard screen displays. - Enter the new Dashboard Name.
Click Create.
The new dashboard displays.
Shared Dashboards
You must have IQ Admin permissions to share a dashboard to ensure that sharing is controlled and secure.
Important: When you share a dashboard, it overrides the user security settings and allows them to view the shared tools even if they wouldn't normally have access to this information.
If you delete a dashboard that you have shared, it will simply disappear from the Dashboards list of the employees with whom you shared it. If they are using it at the time you delete it, the next time they refresh, it will display a No Dashboard Selected message, and then they can pick another from the Dashboards screen.
To share a dashboard:
On the dashboard that you want to share, click Share (1) (this button only shows if you have Admin IQ permissions).
The Add/Remove Team Members screen displays. -
Select one or more employees who you want to share the dashboard with. You can use the Employee and Roles search and filter fields to find specific employees.
Click Add Team Members. The employees that you selected will see the shared dashboard in their list when they refresh the screen. In the following example, the A Test (2) and Portfolio A Dashboard (3) were shared by the Administrator. You can see the number of people it is shared with under the title.
- To remove employees from a dashboard, click Share, select their name, and then click Remove Team Members.
Remove Tools or Dashboards
To remove a Performance tool or delete a dashboard:
Click the Dashboard Controls icon ().
The Dashboard Controls screen displays a list of the tools currently on your dashboard.
- Perform the following actions as needed:
- Click Delete Dashboard to remove the dashboard from Vantaca IQ.
- Disable the toggle next to any Performance tool that you want to hide.
- Click the Trash icon next to any Performance tool that you want to remove.
- Click Add Tool to open the Select Performance Tools screen.
- Click anywhere on the dashboard outside the screen to go back to your dashboard.
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