Summary: This article will explain how to generate a bulk report job so that you can create a downloadable pdf of multiple reports.
The Bulk Report File
Generating a Bulk Report
1. Go to the Reports page to begin configuring the Bulk Report.
2. The Report toolbar contains the following options which will be used to begin configuring the Bulk Report file.
- Association: Select a single association, or All Associations if you wish to do multiple associations.
- Note: Board members and Service Providers do NOT have the ability to run reports for All Associations/Portfolios.
- Portfolio: Select a portfolio of associations. (Only applicable when using All Associations).
- Note: The list of associations/portfolios is limited to the access that a given user has. Not every Association or Portfolio will appear, only those that the user already has access to.
- Sort: Sort the associations inside the generated PDF by either AssocCode or Assoc Name.
- Report Date: Date/period that reports should be run. This is the ending date for the reports.
- The Report Date will default to the last day of the previous month.
- Report: Name of the report to be generated.
3. Before you can kick off the job, you'll need to select which reports to include. In the Order No column, click on the row for the report you want to include and the Order No selector field will appear, allowing you to set the order that each report will appear in the PDF.
4. Once you've made your report selections, click the Generate Bulk Reports button, and a Success message will pop up.
5. Go to the System > Jobs screen and ensure the Include Completed Jobs checkbox is checked to see the completed Bulk Report job.
6. Click Download to download the PDF file.
Within the PDF file, each report is bookmarked for easy navigation in the order that you configured with the Order No selections. Each Report name will contain the Assoc Code and Report Name, appearing as: [assocCode]_[reportName]
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