Objective: Provide an overview of Vantaca grid settings and customization options.
Many Vantaca screens employ a grid structure to make view, sorting, and analyzing data streamlined. Several screens have the ability to customize and save a user's preferred grid settings. These screens include:
- Homeowners > Homeowner List
- Action Items >All Action Items
- Service Providers > Invoices (Ready to Approve, Complete Data Entry, & Provider on Hold tabs)
- Accounting > GL Research
- Service Providers > Service Provider List
- Mailroom > Print Queue
- Accounting > Approve Invoices
To add or remove desired columns from a grid, click the Column Menu (three vertical dots) then hover over Columns. Then, use the check boxes to select (or deselect) columns to be displayed.
With the desired columns displayed, these grid settings can be saved so that the information on this screen will default to this grid setting each time for the user performing the save. To save your settings click the Grid Settings menu (wheel icon), then click Save Grid Settings.
If changes are made to the grid to display other data, clicking Reset to User Default will return to your saved grid settings. Clicking Reset to System Default will reset to the system default grid configuration.
Grid Settings Menu Options:
Save Grid Settings: Save the current grid configuration as your default settings.
Reset Grid to User Default: Reset the grid to the grid configuration that you have saved previously.
Reset Grid to System Default: Reset the grid to system default configuration.
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