Question: How do I stop/prevent assessment billing on a homeowners account until a specified date or for a certain period of time?
To accomplish this we first want to select the homeowners account in Vantaca. I recommend going to Homeowners > Homeowners List and selecting the Select button on the property you wish to stop billing for.
Once on the homeowners account, go to Homeowners > Payment Method, which will display the Edit Payment Method window.
To Edit/Update all accounts, select the "Enroll/Update All Accounts" tab. Otherwise, select "Enroll" for the specific property you wish to delay.
From that window in the first field listed, Billing Start Date, enter the date which you would like the owner to start being billed assessments. For example, if you would like the owner to not begin being billed until January of 2020, you would enter a Billing Start Date of 1/1/2020. Once the date is entered, select Update to save the changes.
* Please be aware that the Next Assessment section on the owners account will still display the upcoming assessments during this time, but when the charges are posted to the accounts the system will read the Billing Start Date and skip the account if that date is before the start date.
If the Homeowner's payment method is ACH Draft, the following screen will appear:
Payment Plan for Account: This is box would be selected if the payment is coming from the same account number as the Homeowner's account number.
ABA (Bank Routing #): required input to draft ACH payment
Bank Account #: required input to draft ACH payment
Is Savings Account: Vantaca needs to know whether the draft is coming from a savings or checking account. Selecting the Savings Account box lets the system know the ACH draft is coming from a Savings Account.
ACH Start Date: The date selected to start running ACH for the homeowner.
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