Summary: This article will show you how to generate a Homeowner Invoice report
To generate a Homeowner Invoice, navigate to the Association > Assessments screen. Select the correct association to see that association's assessments. Select the assessments to be included on the invoice using the checkbox to the left of the description. The assessments must be active to be included in the invoice.
Once the assessment(s) are selected, click Generate Invoice to create the Generate Homeowner Invoices action item for these specific assessment(s).
Once the Action Item page is brought up, select a Start Date and and End Date within the Parameters section, as the Homeowner invoices will not generate without a Start and End Date selected. Once the parameters have been updated for this action item, click Update.
From here navigate to the Associations > Action Items screen and search for the Generate Homeowner Invoices action item. If you drill down into that specific action item, you should see a Generate Invoice step with an attachment for you to download of all the Homeowner Invoices you just generated.
Note: Unlike a homeowner statement, invoices are designed to bill the homeowner for a specific assessment charge. Due to this, late fee amounts/verbiage are NOT included on homeowner invoices as they do on statements.
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