With a recent release, Vantaca now has a new feature to save you time (and money) when generating your Third Party Statements! This feature makes use of the new "Third Party" Print Queue to send a single job file to your Third Party printing partner, instead of one job per Association. Take a look at the quick video below to learn more!
And for help on generating Third Party Statements in general, visit Generating Third Party Statements
- Go to Settings > Action Types/Steps to find your Third Party Statements action type.
- Select the Send Statements step of the action type and click on Rules. Here we'll look at the Additional Action that is used for this step. Originally Send 3rd Party Statements was used however now we will utilize the Send to Third Party Queue additional action. Click Update to ensure that the change has been made accordingly.
- To test the change made, run a new action item for the Third Party Statements action type by utilizing a test association in your database. No need to change parameters here while running this as it is a test. Make sure to click Update and Select so that you can be brought to the action item page for your test.
- Give the action item a few moments to generate the information that would be sent to the third party. Clicking on the XN number in the Action Center tab on the left hand side will allow you to "refresh" the progress of the generation.
- Clicking the paperclip on the generation step of the action item once generated will give you a look at what is being sent to the third party.
- Now step the item to Send Statements, normally this would step the action item through and send out the statements accordingly but now we will visit Mailroom > Print Queue > Third Party Orders tab instead.
- Once on that tab, select the statements to be sent by clicking on the box on the left hand side of each and then click Send to Third Party.
- Refreshing the queue by utilizing the refresh button located on this screen and then clicking Include Closed will allow you to view the order.
- Going back to the action item screen for your third party statement action item will show you that the XN has automatically stepped to Complete and will reference the order number for your statements with the third party on that step.
- Bulk third party statements will also allow you to bulk step as many items as you have for your associations to send to the third party in one simple file, making things a lot simpler and more organized for submission.
- Using multiple third parties for printing between your associations is also not an issue, Vantaca will separate the orders automatically between the vendors all with one simple submission to the third party queue.
- Vantaca has also added two column views within Mailroom > Print Queue > Jobs tab; Status Detail and Bulk Order. Status Detail will show you the order number for your submission to the third party while Bulk Order will show you whether or not the order was part of a bulk submission sent to the third party.
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