This article builds off of the steps found in How do I add an event to a specific date?
To begin creating a recurring Statement generation from the calendar, double click on your calendar date. Set up the title of the event, in this case Generate Statements, as well as the date, and how often you want the event to create Statement action items. In this example, we want these to generate once a month.
NOTE: Be mindful when selecting the frequency of the item: if you select a date after the 28th of the month, the event will not be generated in February, and you will need to make a separate event in February.
The example below shows the event occurring on the last week day of every month, early in the morning so that it is one of the first action items for the day.
It is recommended that the security be set to Internal, so that the board and homeowners in the selected association do not see this appear on their calendar.
On the day that the event is to be kicked off, an action item will appear in the My Action Items of your AR team, as well as All Action Items for the Association. Here you can view the Statement preview and continue with the rest of the action item. Below, you can see where an event for Generate Statements kicked off the action item for generating Statements.
Your AR team will be prompted to review and send estatements out to the community for which this event is for.
Setting Parameters
To determine the parameters for Calendar Statements, these are set on the Association > Settings page. From here you can determine things like Include ACH, Include Credit Balance, etc. This can be set on your Model, and then any individual Associations can be adjusted as needed.
For more information, visit Association Settings
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