When setting up a letter or email template to send via an Action Step, there are a number of tags to choose from. These tags are references to items in the system that may vary between action items, such as association or homeowner information. This article clarifies exactly what these tags look like and what information they pull from.
Any tag that do not appear on this list are Additional Info tags, coming from either the Homeowner Additional Info or Association Additional Info pages. All tags are listed in alphabetical order, though this article will broadly categorize them for ease of use.
- Association
- Homeowner
- Service Provider
- Action Item - General
- Action Item - ARC
- Action Item - Inspections/CCR
- Other
Association Address 1 - Street number + address 1 of the association's Correspondence Address.
Association Address 2 - Address 2 of the association's Correspondence Address.
Association Address Full Formatted - The association's full Correspondence Address, with line breaks before address 2 and the city/state/zip.
Association City - City of the association's Correspondence Address.
Association Code - The association's Code.
Association Manager - The association's manager, the user with the oldest existing Manager role assigned to the association.
Association Name - The association's name.
Association State - State of the association's Correspondence Address.
Association Zip -Zip code of the association's Correspondence Address.
Company Address - The association's company's full Address, with line breaks before Address 2 and the City/State/Zip.
Company Address With Name - Same as the Company Address, but with an extra line above with the company's name.
Company Fax - The Fax number of the association's company.
Company Name - The name of the association's company.
Company Primary Phone - The primary phone number of the association's company.
Company Secondary Phone - The secondary phone number of the association's company.
Company Website - The website of the association's company.
CorrespondenceAddress - Street number + address 1 of the association's Correspondence Address, falling back to that of the company if there is none.
CorrespondenceAddress1 - Address 1 of the association's Correspondence Address, falling back to that of the company if there is none.
CorrespondenceAddress2 - Address 2 of the association's Correspondence Address, falling back to that of the company if there is none.
CorrespondenceCity - City of the association's Correspondence Address, falling back to that of the company if there is none.
CorrespondenceState - State of the association's Correspondence Address, falling back to that of the company if there is none.
CorrespondenceZip - Zip code of the association's Correspondence Address, falling back to that of the company if there is none.
Manager Email - The email associated with the association manager's user.
RemittanceAddress - Street number + address 1 of the association's Remittance Address, falling back to the Remittance Address of the company if there is none.
RemittanceAddress1 - Address 1 of the association's Remittance Address, falling back to the Remittance Address of the company if there is none.
RemittanceAddress2 - Address 2 of the association's Remittance Address, falling back to the Remittance Address of the company if there is none.
RemittanceCity - City of the association's Remittance Address, falling back to the Remittance Address of the company if there is none.
RemittanceState - State of the association's Remittance Address, falling back to the Remittance Address of the company if there is none.
RemittanceZip - Zip code of the association's Remittance Address, falling back to the Remittance Address of the company if there is none.
TaxID - The association's Tax ID.
Association Physical Address County - County of the association's Physical Address.
Association Physical Address1 - Street number + address 1 of the association's Physical Address.
Association Physical Address2 - Address 2 of the association's Physical Address.
Association Physical Address Full Formatted - The association's full Physical Address, with line breaks before address 2 and the city/state/zip.
Association Physical Address City - City of the association's Physical Address.
Association Physical Address State - State of the association's Physical Address.
Association Physical Address Zip - Zip code of the association's Physical Address.
Account Number - The owner's full account number (association code + owner ID).
Balance - The owner's current balance for the account selected.
Balance Summary - The owner's current charge balance at the time this merge tag information is pulled into a letter or email.
Balance Summary with Dates - The owner's current charge balance, including the date
of each charge, at the time this merge tag information is pulled into a letter or email.
Balance Summary (No Subledger) - Identical to the Balance Summary tag but excludes the Subledger Description and Order By fields.
Balance Summary (No Subledger) with Dates - Identical to the Balance Summary with Dates tag but excludes the Subledger Description and Order By fields.
Business Name - The homeowner's business name.
Deed Name - The owner's deed name, falling back to the First and Second Owner contents if there is none.
First and Second Owner - If the homeowner has a business name, the business name. If not, the names of both the first and second owners, formatted together if they have the same last name (ie "George & Martha Washington").
Homeowner Balance - The homeowner's current balance across all of their properties.
Homeowner Email - The homeowner's primary email address.
Homeowner Name - If the homeowner has a business name, the business name. If not, the owner's first and last name.
Homeowner Phone - The homeowner's primary phone number.
Late Date - The next calendar date that could have a Primary Charge late fee charge, only including late fees that apply to charges on the owner's ledger.
Mailing Address With Name - The owner's first and last name or business name, if they have one, and then their mailing address, with line breaks before the street number and the city/state/zip.
Next Assessment - The next assessment charge that is generated for the owner.
Next Assessment Combined - Totals the combined assessment amount that is generated for the owner.
Portal Key - The code homeowners use automate the portal sign-up process.
Property Address 1 - The property's street number + address 1 + unit number, if it exists.
Property Address Full 1 Line - The property's full address, formatted for one line with a space between address 1 and address 2 and a comma between address 2 and city.
Property Address Full Formatted - The property's full address, formatted in multiple lines with a line break before address 2 and a line break before city.
Property Block - The property's block.
Property CO Date - The property's CO Date.
Property LotNo - The property's lot.
Property ParcelID - The property's parcel ID.
Property Phase - The property's phase.
Property UnitNo - The property's unit no.
Property Village - The property's village.
Second Owner - The first and last name of the account's second owner name.
Mailing address 1 - The street number + address 1 of the owner's mailing address.
Mailing address 2 - The address 2 of the owner's mailing address.
Mailing Address City - The city of the owner's mailing address.
Mailing Address State - The state of the owner's mailing address.
Mailing Address Zip - The zip code of the owner's mailing address.
Settled Date - The property's settled date.
Collections Balance - The account's balance applicable for collections as of the current date, excluding charges set to Exclude from Collections and only counting items of the Age of Balance set in Association Settings.
Collections Breakdown - The account's balance applicable for collections as of the current date, broken down into its individual charges with line breaks between them.
Collections Breakdown with Dates - The account's balance applicable for collections as of the current date, broken down into its individual charges with the charge date displayed for each amount. Each charge shows as a separate line item and in date order (oldest to newest).
Legal Description - The property's legal description.
Collections Balance (Unaged) - The account's balance applicable for collections, not taking into account age of charges or the current date, but excluding charges set to Exclude from Collections.
Collections Breakdown (Unaged) - The accounts balance applicable for collections, unaged, broken down into its individual charges with line breaks between them.
Collections Breakdown (Unaged) with Dates - The accounts balance applicable for collections, unaged, broken down into its individual charges with the charge date displayed for each amount. Each charge shows as a separate line item and in date order (oldest to newest).
Service Provider
Contact Name - The name of the service provider contact. The contact will be, in order of priority, the contact associated with the action item, the contact associated with the contract associated with the action item, or the default contact associated with the provider.
General Liability Expiration - The expiration date of the provider's set General Liability insurance, or "No Policy" if one does not exist.
Provider Address Full Formatted - The full address of the service provider, with line breaks before address 2 and the city/state/zip.
Provider Last Payment Amount - The amount of the last payment to the service provider, or "No Payment" if one does not exist.
Provider Last Payment Association - The association of the last payment to the service provider, or "No Payment" if one does not exist.
Provider Last Payment Date - The date of the last payment to the service provider, or "No Payment" if one does not exist.
Provider Name - The service provider's name.
Provider Phone - The service provider contact's phone number.
Provider Type - The service provider's type.
Worker's Comp Expiration - The expiration date of the provider's set Worker's Comp insurance, or "No Policy" if one does not exist.
Auto Liability Expiration - The expiration date of the provider's set Auto Liability insurance, or "No Policy" if one does not exist.
Action Item - General
Action Category - The action item's category.
Action Item Description - The action item's description with all font formatting, style, and size.
Action Item Description Font Friendly - The action item's description with the original formatting (bold, italics, bullets, etc.), but does not retain the original font size, color, or type, which will match those of the template the action item description is pulled into.
Action Item Description Unformatted - The action item's description without the original formatting.
Action Item Location Map Apple URL - A URL for Apple Maps of the location associated with the action item, present if set up in the mobile app.
Action Item Location Map Google URL - A URL for Google Maps of the location associated with the action item, present if set up in the mobile app.
Action Item Note - The action item's current note with all font formatting, style, and size (if not auto-generated by the system).
Action Item Note Font Friendly - The action item's current note with the original formatting (bold, italics, bullets, etc.), but does not retain the original font size, color, or type, which will match those of the template the action item note is pulled into (if not auto-generated by the system).
Action Item Note Unformatted - The action item's current note without the original formatting (if not auto-generated by the system).
Action Item Status - The action item's status, "Closed" or "Open".
Action Item Subject - The action item's subject.
Action Type - The action item's action type.
Attachment Count - The number of attachments on the action item's current note.
Attachment List - A comma-separated list of the filenames of the attachments on the action item's current note.
Author - The creator of the action item's current note.
Created Date - The date that the action item was created.
Cure Date - The date that the violation should be resolved (can replace Follow Up Date merge tag).
Cure Period - How long a homeowner has from the time that the letter is issued, to “Cure” or resolve the violation that they are being notified of.
Current Step - The action item's current action step.
Due Date - The action item's due date, or "No Due Date" if it is not set.
Fee Amount - The total amount of fees associated with the action item's current note.
Follow Up Date - The action item's follow up date, or "No Follow Up Date" if it is not set.
Hearing Date -Time & date of violation hearing being held.
Note Date - The date that the action item's current note was created.
Note Date And Time - The date and time that the action item's current note was created.
Report End Date - The action item's set report end date.
XN Number - The action item's number, prefixed with "XN".
Action Item Note - System Note - The action item's current note, including those auto-generated by the system.
Action Item - ARC
ARC End Date - The end date set on an ARC action item, or "No End Date" if it doesn't exist.
ARC Letter Description - The letter description associated with the selected ARC type.
ARC Start Date - The start date on an ARC action item, or "No Start Date" if it doesn't exist.
ARC Type - The description of the ARC type associated with the action item.
Action Item - Inspections/CCR
CCR Item - The description of the CCR item associated with the action item.
CCR Item Letter Description - The letter description associated with the selected CCR type.
Inspection Date - The created date of the inspection associated with the current action item note.
Inspection End - The end date of the inspection associated with the current action item note.
Inspection Start - The start date of the inspection associated with the current action item note.
Inspection XN Number - The XN number of the inspection associated with the current action item note.
Action Item - Amenity
Amenity Name - The Amenity Name for the action item
Amenity Category - The Amenity Category for the action item
Amenity Start Time - The start time for the amenity event action item.
Amenity End Time - The end time for the amenity event action item.
Amenity Event Date - The date of the amenity event action item.
Amenity Reminder Date - The reminder date for the amenity event action item.
Next Business Day - The next weekday as of the current date. Does not take into account holidays.
Today Long Format - The current date, formatted as "Month day, year".
Today Short Format - The current date, formatted as "Month/day/year".
Web Portal - The web portal URL, as pulled from the company's set web portal or, if that does not exist, the default company's set web portal.
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