Summary: This article will review the AR Billing Summary
Clients can use the AR Billing Summary to track all items that they may bill their associations for. Examples of items they may bill for that Vantaca can track are assessments, violations, late fees, collection fees, and other special assessments and fees that are set up on the system.
The AR Billing Summary can be reached by navigating to the System tab and selecting the second option from the drop-down labeled AR Billing Summary.
The AR Billing Summary will list all associations that are marked Live and is a good addition to using the Admin Billing Report because it does not have a limited number of fields and will show the entirety of the monthly charges. This report also serves as a quick way to see the total generations for the month at the assessment level. In addition, it is unaffected by any payments homeowners have made towards balances. It is a true total.
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