Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions regarding GL Codes and your financial documents.
Please see the article below for a detailed explanation on set up of the GL Groups screen, if needed.
GL Groups
Why is this GL code showing up twice on my balance sheet and/or income statement?
This is most likely due to an error when creating ranges within your association's GL Groups.
To navigate to the GL Groups in Vantaca, go to Association > GL Accounts > GL Groups using the dropdown navigation menu.
Once on that screen, you can drill down into each GL Group to see the range of GL codes within each group. The range within each group tells the system which GL codes get reported in a specific category on the balance sheets and income statements.
If there are any ranges that have numbers overlapping, that will cause the system to put that GL code onto a balance sheet or income statement twice. To fix the range, click Edit on the range and change either the Start No or the End No so that the ranges are not overlapping.
Sometimes the system won't let you edit a range that overlaps, so in that case, you can delete the range and enter it back in the way you would have edited it.
Once you've finished, run another balance sheet and income statement report, and you should only see a single instance of the GL code!
Why isn't a GL account showing up on the Balance Sheet or Income Statement?
If a GL account is missing from either the income statement or balance sheet, it is most likely missing from your GL groups set up. Be sure that the ranges set up under your groups screen includes all the GL accounts. Any GL Code that is not included in a Group will not appear on Financial Documents.
- Group 1 includes GLs 1-999
- Group 2 includes GLs 1001-1999
- GL 1000 is not included in a group, therefore would not appear on your Financial Documents.
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