Vantaca Features
Bank Account Balance
This variable balance will make approving invoices much more fluid and streamlined now that you can see the balance update in real time as you approve invoices. This seemingly small addition to the grid will ensure that you are always informed about your invoice processes without having to lose your place by jumping between tabs or refreshing the page to account for changes.
Service Provider ID
Added the Service Provider ID column as an available column option on the Service Provider List.
Having the Service Provider ID viewable from the Service Provider List now gives your AP Processors all the necessary information they need when importing their invoices.
Undelete Assessment Rules
Added the ability to view and restore deleted Assessment information.
- A new checkbox has been added to the Association > Assessments > Rules tab.
- Will only show the last five (5) deleted rules per charge.
- Preview Rules button will open a non-editable Rules Form to view the configuration for reference purposes.
- An Undelete button will display for users with the Delete permission enabled under Settings > Roles > Assessment Schedule.
- Undeleting an Assessment Rule will create a record of the action as an Association Activity Note.
The latest addition to our Undelete functionality will ensure that you can easily rectify any mistakes without having to contact our Support staff to take care of it for you. The accompanying activity note will also allow you to easily assess any undeletes that take place by being able to quickly and easily identify who undeleted the assessment rule and when.
Vantaca Corrections
New Rule Creation
- Removed the ability to add New Rules on Deposit Charge Types.
Page Per Page
- Fixed the issue causing Page Per Page to receive a timeout error when sending despite actually receiving the files, causing the client to reattempt the request and create duplicate statements.
- Fixed the issue that was preventing the full address from being sent via API to Page Per Page (address line 2 wasn't sending correctly) resulting in items being returned.
Post Expenses
- Fixed the issue that was occurring when adding a Negative GL on a Post Expense causing the amount total to have to be manually reduced to match the expense amount.
- Fixed the error that was causing only the Payment tied to the invoice to be deleted when deleting a Post Expense from the Bank Register instead of both the Payment and Expense being deleted as expected.
Association Documents Export
- Fixed the issue with voided payments not being accounted for inside the age of balance threshold when calculating collections balances.
Two-Column Homeowner Statements
- Fixed the issue that was preventing the pay amount column from displaying correctly and appearing blank on two-column homeowner statements.
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