Release Webinar
Vantaca Features
Credit Memos
The following changes have been implemented for Credit Memo functionality:
Credit Memos will allow you to update existing invoices in a more industry-accepted standard now that you don't have to execute cumbersome workarounds to perform an action that's now native to Vantaca.
The following changes have been made to ACC/CCR items throughout Vantaca:
- Reworked the Settings > Roles > Security > ACC/CCR Items - Association Override permission:
- Add/Update has been broken out into two separate permissions.
- Update: Controls the ability to edit and save association CCR Details. Also allows the ability to mark a CCR Item as Used or Not Used.
- Add: Controls the ability to use the +New CCR Items on the Association > CCR Items and ARC Types.
- Default: Controls the ability to set CCR and ARC Type as default items.
- Add/Update has been broken out into two separate permissions.
- Added Association-specific Action Items.
- The ARC Model has been added to the new ARC section under Association > Settings.
- ARC Requests submitted in the Homeowner Portal will automatically create the ARC Action Item type with the setting configured with the ARC Model setting.
- Users will need the ARC permission under Settings > Roles > Security > Association Settings to change this field.
- Added a new Default permission for the ACC/CCR Items - Master List that will control the user’s ability to set new CCR Items and ARC Types as default Items.
- The Settings > Roles > Security > CCR > Detail Descriptions permission has been broken out into the following separate settings:
- Detail Description - Association Override: Permissions will control the user's ability to perform the following action on Association > CCR Items > Details.
- View, Update, Add, and Default
- Detail Description - Master List: Permissions will control the user's ability to perform the following actions on Settings > CCR Items > Details.
- View, Update, Add, Default, and Delete.
- Detail Description - Association Override: Permissions will control the user's ability to perform the following action on Association > CCR Items > Details.
- The new Default permission on each of the two Detail Description permissions control will the user's ability to use the Default? checkbox on the CCR Item's Details form.
The numerous changes we made to ACC and CCR permissions will provide an extra layer of peace of mind now that you have more refined control over the level of access your employees have to vital system areas.
Added the Association Insurance Renewal Additional Action Item which will create an alert when the Association's Insurance policy is up for renewal.
- Will be tied to an Association and Insurance policy.
- Alert will kick off based on the Alert Criteria of the Action Step's Rules. Example: If the Alert Action Item's Alert Criteria is set to "0" on the Step's Rule, the management company will receive the Renewal Alert the day before the Association Insurance Policy's Renewal Date.
- The Association Insurance Renewal Alert will contain the following information:
- Policy Number
- Renewal Date
- Coverage
- Carrier
- Agent
- Note: Fields without data will be displayed as N/A.
- Added the All Associations Insurance Export to the Association > Insurance screen.
- Will export a csv of all associations and their insurance information, whether they have it or not.
These insurance updates were implemented to give you greater clarity about your association's insurance status and the new export will allow you to easily consolidate your association's active and non-active insurance.
Collection Action Items
A note has been added to Collections Action Items with balance criteria information:
- "Minimum balance of __ has not been met. Homeowner collectible balance is _____"
- "Minimum balance of __ has been met. Homeowner collectible balance is _____"
This note was added to the Collections Action Item process after identifying the helpfulness that this additional information would provide to our users who are involved with this type of action item on a day-to-day basis.
GL Accounts
Association GL Accounts will now be copied over from the Model Association when creating a new association and selecting the Copy From Model function.
- Used and Not Used GL Accounts will be copied.
Being able to copy Association GL Accounts from the Model Association will drastically improve the onboarding process and ensure that financials are able to be produced in a more efficient manner.
Print Queue Performance
Implemented various performance improvements for the Mailroom > Print Queue.
Vantaca will continue to identify system areas that may not be as optimized as they need to be and the Print Queue is the latest one to have its performance issues addressed.
Letter Templates
The following changes have been made to Letter Templates:
- Added the ability to Search and Copy Merge Tags.
- The Merge Tags button has been added to Settings > Letter Templates.
- Clicking the button will open the Merge Tag Search form where you can filter and search through all Merge Tags.
- Clicking Copy will copy the Merge tag with a format of <<Merge Tag>>
- The Merge Tags button has been added to Settings > Letter Templates.
- Added the ability to Edit and Upload Letter Templates within Vantaca.
- An Edit button has been added to the Settings > Letter Templates grid.
- Uploading a new letter template will overwrite the existing letter template and any subsequent action items being generated will generate with the updated letter template.
- Attempting to overwrite the file will alert the user with the following confirmation message:
- "Current letter template will be updated and replaced with the attached file. Do you wish to continue?"
- Added an Association Override to Settings > Letter Templates.
- The +Add Override button will create an Association Override on an existing Letter type.
- Multiple overrides cannot be applied and attempting to will result in the following alert:
- "Override already exists. By continuing, the current override letter will be replaced. Do you wish to continue?"
- Multiple overrides cannot be applied and attempting to will result in the following alert:
These changes will bring all the ease and convenience of the Letter Template management to our Non-Word/Non-Office users. The Merge Tag Search will be helpful for all users and the Copy Merge Tag function is aimed to alleviate the struggles that our non-Word users were facing. Now, they can easily copy Merge Tags into a different editor like Google Docs.
Vantaca Corrections
Association Calendar
- Fixed the issue with user created calendar events setting the start time to an hour after the displayed start time in instances where the user doesn't select a Start Time.
HOA Mailers
- Fixed the issues that were affecting various statement generation and processing for HOA Mailers.
Vantaca IQ Features
Added Custom Date Range functionality.
Vantaca IQ Corrections
Vantaca IQ
- Fixed the issue that was preventing data from loading intermittently each morning due to a failure with the nightly refresh.
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