This release features the ability to customize association Portal pages! See the webinar for a detailed look at the new features of this release, with descriptions included below:
Portal Pages – Customize Per Association
Users now have the option to create their own Portal Pages, as well as customizing new and existing pages per Association. Creating Portal Pages and editing them globally can be done in Settings > Portal Pages. Customizing pages per Association can be done in Association > Portal Pages. Both options have separate securities under Settings and Association. In order to revert a customized Association page to the default page in Settings, fields can be cleared: after clicking Update, all empty fields (except for the three Contents dropdowns) will follow the default that lives in Settings.
Board Action Items on Portal Dashboard
The Portal Dashboard now has a summary section called “My Board Tasks”, displaying a list of Action Items and the number of items. Clicking on one of the types will direct you to the Board Action Item page filtered to that type.
Action Item Visibilities for Boards
Board Portal page “Board Action Items” has gotten a makeover to show information more clearly. Also, Boards will now only see Action Items in Board Action Items if they are a follower of the Step the Action Item is in.
Board Portal Pages Makeovers
Portal pages in section Board have been improved to make workflows go more efficiently. Most of these pages now have three tabs, My Items, Open and Closed. There are more columns available, there are Export to Excel options and Save Grid settings.
Homeowner List on Board Portal
The Homeowner List on the Board Portal (Board > Homeowners) has been made more similar to the Homeowner List in the Web App (Homeowner > Homeowner List). Columns have been added as well as a Save Grid option. The Edit and Delete buttons will not be available, but the drill down with Ledger and Action Items will remain available in the Portal.
Description Field on Service Contract Edits
When creating/editing Service Contracts, there’s now a Description field where additional information can be entered. The contents will show on the Contract Selection screen in Post Expenses in screen Accounting > Reconciliation.
Account Number Validations on Imports
All imports that have a column for Account / OldAccount / OldAccount2 are now being validated on those fields to see if they actually exist in Vantaca in the selected Association. The only exception is the Property & Homeowner import in modes Replace (doesn’t matter whether it exists or not) and Append (may not already exist in Vantaca in the selected Association).
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