Here's a breakdown of what's included in our December 2019 Release:
Regional Models
We now have the option to create more than one Model Association. In the Association Edit / Create popup there’s a new field called “Model Association” where all the Company’s Models are available in the dropdown. In field “Type”, new type “Model” can be chosen to indicate whether the Association is a Model. Letter Templates can also be made default per Model.
Owner’s Ledgers can now be divided over several Subledgers. These Subledgers can be setup on the System > Sub Ledgers page and then used on the Association > Assessments page. In the Edit / Create Assessment popup, field “Subledger” now is a dropdown where the available Subledgers can be chosen. The Assessments screen also has a new available column to display the associated Subledger. The Code entered in Settings > Sub Ledgers will be appended to the owner’s ledger where applicable and in the main App, Portal and Reports the ledgers will show grouped together per subledger.
Multiple Mailing Addresses with Names
In Homeowner > Contact Info, addresses can now be marked as Mailing Address besides the Primary Mailing Address by clicking Edit or Create New. There’s also a new field called “Mailing Name Override” in that popup which, if populated, will print that name instead of the owner’s name for that address. The fields were introduced in the previous release; this release contains all functionality with third parties and generation items.
Association Search Box
The Association search dropdown has been enhanced to the same format as Homeowner searches, making it easier to search on more than just Code and Nickname.
Disable Text Messaging for Owners
In System > System Settings, tab Web Portal, Text Messaging for Owners can now be turned off. Owners already set up to Text will keep that preference but will not be possible to choose it as a Communication Preference anymore.
Legal Description
A new field called “Legal Description” on the Property Record allows for a legal description to be added to the property. This field is also available as a column in the Homeowner List and in the Homeowner & Property import, and there’s a Tag for it to be used in email and letter templates.
Two New Collections Exclusion Flags for Assessments
In the previous release the option to exclude certain assessments from Collections was introduced. Now there are two additional options for that: “Exclude From Collections Balance Threshold” and “Exclude From Collections Lien Threshold”.
Select Invoices from Approve Invoice > Provider on Hold
Tab “Provider on Hold” in screen Approve Invoices now has Select buttons to select invoices from that screen.
Collections Balance Tags - Unaged
As an addition to the Collection Balance Tags introduced in the last release, these are the same tags but unaged, showing the current balance breakdown.
Pay Blocked for Not Live Associations
Associations that are not Live are no longer able to process payments until they are Live.
Service Provider Compliance Status
In the Service Provider Edit popup a new checkbox has been added to mark a Provider compliant. If this box is checked, a field shows up where the compliance status can be entered as free text. This status and reason are also available as columns in the Service Provider List. This status currently has no effect on the Provider functionality.
Board Approval Overrides have been fixed; Association imports are fixed and have new fields; Invoice XN subjects no longer populate with deleted descriptions; Service Provider List “Approved By” column now displays the actual approver; Bank Accounts with $0 Minimum Balance will now get Low Bank Balance warnings; Blocked Ledgers are no longer copied to new owners; Primary Mailing Addresses that are a different Company property are now included in the All Addresses format; Imports have been made compatible with leading zeroes; GL Research screen no longer switches Liabilities and Equity; Income Statements now show the correct Fund Order and the drilldowns show the correct date ranges.
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