Here's a breakdown of what's included in our July 2020 Release:
Association Specific CCR Details
In Settings > CCR Items, CCR details (when you drill down on a CCR Type) can now be marked “Default” to show for all associations in the Used tab in Association > CCR Items. Not marking it Default will place it in all associations’ UnUsed tab of their CCR Items. In Association > CCR Items, the details now also have a Used and UnUsed tab to filter out the appropriate details.
This function is similar to the Association > GL Accounts screen and allows easy access to CCR types. This feature allows communities with fewer CCR items to remove “clutter” and larger associations to have only the CCR items they need.
New CCR Types can be created right from the UnUsed tab of Association > CCR Types without needing to leave the page. This leads to a cleaner user experience during both setup and during inspections.
Multiple Open Inspections Per Association
We now have the ability to create several inspections for the same Association without having to close any open inspections first. Inspections are created using the Vantaca Mobile App
This enhancement helps in several ways. First, existing inspections of different types—move-in inspections, for instance—no longer prevent your managers from starting their required Full Inspection. Next, we understand that some Associations may require multiple days to complete an inspection. This new feature means that Managers no longer need to either wait until those inspections are completed prior to beginning another, or else leaving inspections open over several days prior to review.
Proposed Annual Budget Report Enhancements
The Proposed Annual Budget Report now references all types budgeted, whereas it only referenced Expenses before. The groupings of these Account Types will follow your GL Groups.
Having the Full GL data in a single report makes the Proposed Budget Report even more effective as a tool for planning your upcoming year.
Bank Interest GL Changes
The Bank Interest GLs have been removed from Association > Settings (“GL for Operating Interest” and “GL for Reserve Interest”) and is now available as a new field in the popup for Edit/Create Bank Accounts in Association > Bank Accounts. When implementing this change, the “GL for Interest” field will be initialized to the value that is currently in that Association’s “GL for Operating Interest” for all Operating bank accounts and to the value in that Association’s “GL for Reserve Interest” for all other bank account types.
This change helps keep bank-related information all in one place, rather than being spread across several pages. In addition to simple ease-of-access, this change fixes the issue of multiple Operating or Reserve GL accounts. Prior to this change, each Association could only have a single Operating or Reserve Interest GL accounts. Now each account is linked to its own GL. No more manual GL Entries!
Mailing/All Address Exports
In the Reports menu, three new reports have been added for exporting Owner addresses per Association to Excel. The three variants are:
- Mailing Address Export: This report exports all addresses in Homeowner > Contact Info that are marked as “Is Mailing Address.” (If there are none, the Property Address will be listed.)
- All Address Export: This Report exports all addresses in Homeowner > Contact Info, as well as the Property Address.
- All Address Export (Current Resident): This report is similar to the All Addresses Export, but with “Current Resident” for the owner name for the Property Address if that’s not the Primary Mailing Address.
New securities are in Settings > Roles in the Reports tab in section Homeowner for these reports. For more information on the Types of Reports available, click HERE.
These reports allow your management company to get the appropriate mailing info exported without the need to manipulate your columns in the Homeowner List page. Depending on the reason for the export, there are now several ways to get that information quickly across different Associations.
Additional Improvements
Duplicate Association Codes Prevention
This feature prevents duplicate association codes to be created. This includes codes that are similar except for leading zeroes; for example if code “T100” exists then “0T100” will not be allowed. Customers with existing duplicate association codes are contacted about these association changes.
This change not only makes it easier to keep track of your newly created Association Codes, but solves several bank-related issues pertaining to those codes. Often, banks are prone to dropping leading zeroes when they receive information, which causes friction at several points of a banks integration with our system. Eliminating leading zeroes reduced both confusion and headaches for your users, as well as the banks you use.
Bug Fixes
- Portal RevoPay Credit Card Link Broken
- Combine Attachments Broken
- Homeowner Invoice Default Message
- Avid Positive Pay Issue
- Replace Violation Letter Crash
- Portal Payment Issue
- Union Bank ACH Processing Bug
- BB&T Transfers
- Reclass Issues
- ACH Transfers from Non-Operating
- Blank Account Numbers in PayLease Imports
- “All Addresses” Mail Formats Fail
- Violations Edit Issues
- Contracts Only Auto Paying Autodrafts
- Management Center Admin Posting Issue
- Document Ordering
- Inspection Review Deleting Images on Mobile
- Violation Stepping in Inspections
- Blank Attachments in Portal
- CCR Description Word Wraps
- Copy GL Groups Issue
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