A maintenance release containing the following enhancements and corrections was made available to Vantaca users on April 22, 2021.
Performance Enhancements
- Improved the load time for the Accounting > Pay Invoices screen for all tabs.
- Three minutes load times were reduced to 6 seconds.
- The time range for the Homeowner > Payment screen will now default to one month to improve response time and optimization.
- Improved the load time of Association Service List.
- Time to load was previously 1:42 and following the release has been reduced to less than a second.
- Added additional logging capabilities to both the Classic and Modern Portal.
We’ve continued our efforts in providing the fastest, most optimal Vantaca experience and we were able to identify areas in the product that were producing unacceptable load times by the Vantaca standard. We’ll continue to smooth out these wrinkles to deliver the fastest and effortless experience to you.
- The error causing unread Action Items with a high importance note to be duplicated in the All Action Items grid has been resolved.
- Implemented double-click protection in the Classic Portal to prevent users from accidentally double-clicking on the Enroll in Auto-draft button in the Classic Portal and sending multiple requests.
- Implemented double-click protection on the Accounting > Pay Invoice screen to prevent users from accidentally creating duplicate requests.
- Improved the load time of the print queue.
- Returning 32 million emails took roughly three minutes and Development was able to reduce the time to 13 seconds for the same amount of data.
- Corrected the error causing emails with no Association failing to send but the ActionItemNote being marked as success.
- Fixed the issue involving a CCR Item’s Cure Periods being removed in error after using the CCR item a single time.
- Corrected the error causing users with uppercase letters in their email address to be unable to login.
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