Vantaca Corrections
Lockbox Payment Allocation
- Corrected the error causing a Lockbox Payment to not be allocated correctly due to the system not accounting for all the homeowner’s future charges.
Balance Sheets
- The Balance Sheet will no longer wrap totals and now be sized correctly when displaying information for totals over ten numeric characters.
- Corrected the error causing larger than normal exports to not download correctly on the System > Export
Auto Reconciliation
- The Image Deposit on the Auto Reconciliation will no longer be reconciled against the lockbox deposit.
- Manually reconciling or, in some cases, unreconciling and reconciling and reconciling the correct items has been identified as a functioning workaround to the issue.
Last Zero Balance Statements
- The error causing the Last Zero Balance Statement to show the Pay This Amount as the homeowner’s entire balance instead of the individual amount.
- Corrected the error causing the second homeowner name to not be included when generating SouthData
- Viewing Bank Statements from CIT will no longer include the full account number to be viewable in the header.
Service Provider Invoice
- Removed the option to delete an Invoice on the Service Provider > Invoices screen after identifying it does not function as intended.
- Added a space between the State and Zip code fields on the Service Provider > Invoices screen to separate the fields accordingly.
Modern Portal
- Corrected the error causing the Tenant Emails and Tenant Phone fields on the Modern Portal to be displayed multiple times.
- The error causing the Invoice Approval function to ignore a Board Member’s permissions has been resolved.
- Corrected the error causing files to not be deleted accordingly when deleting the folder the files are in.
Lockbox Values
- The error causing negative Check Amounts to come through the lockbox has been corrected and protections have been implemented to prevent this issue from occurring in the future.
Management Tab
- The error causing users to be able to view the User Activity page via the Management tab without the required role permissions has been resolved.
Bank Register
- The Reconcile and Reconciled Period columns will now be able to be filtered separately after identifying an error that was preventing the filters from functioning individually.
Action Items
- Corrected the issue causing Invoice Action Items to ignore the Skip Signature Approval logic and escalate to the Signature Approval step incorrectly.
- The Porfolio’s column will no longer show multiple instances of the Association Name in error.
Homeowner Payment
- A verification has been implemented to ensure the Total Amount and Payment Distribution are equal before allowing the user to save the payment on a Homeowner’s Account.
- The system will notify the user via popup if the Payment Distribution is less.
Approve Invoices
- Corrected the issue causing changes to an Invoice on the Approve Invoice screen to not save correctly has been resolved.
Read Messages
- The Unread Message indicator will no longer be displayed on messages.
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