Vantaca Features
Lease Action Items
The Add Lease Additional Action Item has been updated to use the Lease Expiration Reminder setting.
- The Follow-up Date will use the existing logic: [Lease End Date] - [Lease Expiration Reminder Setting] = [Follow-up Date].
This addition to the Lease Expiration Reminder will ensure you don’t have to manually change your lease related dates and fully automate the process.
Modern Portal Auto-Logout
Homeowners logged into the Modern Portal will now automatically be logged out after a period of seven days if the browser remains open and they have not enabled the Keep me signed in checkbox.
This auto-logout timer was previously set for one year but after homeowners expressed their concern about their account unintentionally being left logged in.
Charge Generations
A Delete button has been added to the Association > Assessments > Generations tab to delete Un-Posted Future Generated Assessments.
- Selecting the Delete button will prompt the following error message:
- Upon deletion, the user will be able to Generate or Post the assessment charge as needed.
The Delete button was added here because, previously, you couldn’t delete an assessment generation without first posting the charge. Posting the charge would then cause the next upcoming charge generation to create a loop that would require you to contact our Technical Support to resolve the issue.
The following changes have been made to the Homeowner > Ledger > Bankruptcy tab.
- Added the Payment Adjustment button.
- Selecting the button will open the Adjust Payment form with the following fields available:
- Adjustment Date will auto-populate to today's date.
- The Type of Adjustment will auto-populate to Reallocate and be the only available option.
- Description
- Payment Allocation
- Selecting the button will open the Adjust Payment form with the following fields available:
- Added a Bankruptcy Balance column.
- Column will display the Total Balance (sum of all charge balances) amount of the selected Bankruptcy ledger.
- Each Bankruptcy will now display a dropdown that displays the following information:
- Transaction Date
- Type
- Description
- Charge
- Payment
- Balance
- Attachment
We’ve introduced the ability for your AR Specialists to reallocate payments on bankruptcy ledgers. Previously, you would need to either contact support to reallocate any misapplied payments or delete the activity from the audit tab to correct the issue.
Activity Notes
Changes to Association Services, Association Addresses and Association CCR Details will now be included in Association > Activity Notes.
- An Activity Note will be added whenever one of the following actions has been performed on Association > Services.
- Created
- Edited
- Copied
- Deleted
- An Activity Note will be added whenever one of the following actions has been performed on Association > Addresses.
- Created
- Edited
- Deleted
- An Activity Note will be added whenever one of the following actions has been performed on Association > CCR Item Details.
- Edited
- Not Used
- Used
Changes to Letter Templates, Action Types/Steps and Service Providers will now be included on System > Activity Notes.
- An Activity Note will be added whenever one of the following actions has been performed on Settings > Letter Templates.
- Created
- Edited
- Deleted
- An Activity Note will be added whenever one of the following actions has been performed on Service Providers.
- Created
- Edited
- Merged
- Deleted
Much like the other numerous activity note additions we made in the November Feature Release, these activity notes will allow you to easily audit your own system by being able to quickly look up who made what changes to your system without having to contact support!
Move Bankruptcy Payments
Added the ability to move homeowner payments to and from their bankruptcy ledger.
- BK XN# has been added as a field and column to the Preview Financial Edit
- The BK XN# field will populate accordingly when created through a Bankruptcy Action Item as well.
- The field will only allow integers to be inputted.
- Added BK XN# as a default column on the Homeowners > Ledger > Audit tab.
The BK XN# field will be tied to the Settings > Roles > Homeowner > Homeowner Ledger.
This Bankruptcy Action Item field and columns will allow your AR Specialists to move homeowner payments to and from their bankruptcy ledger without having to submit a support request each time a payment needs to be moved.
Deleting a Rule without an End Date or End Date in the future will now automatically apply an end date of today's date.
The system automatically applying the end date will prevent an issue that was causing your assessments to continue to generate after the rule had been deleted.
Portal Board Member Columns
Property Address and Homeowner Name have been added as available columns on the following Board Member pages in the Portal:
- Collections
- Violations
- Work Orders
- The columns will not be enabled by default and will need to be added manually.
These additional columns will allow your board members a quick and easy way to identify what address the violation belongs to as well as providing a more useful sorting option on all the screens it’s available on.
Defaults Filtering
The following columns will now default to the Contains filter type:
- Import
- Association
- Type
- ARC Type
- Description
- Banks
- Bank
- Address
- CCR Items
- Group
- CCR Item
- Company Information
- Company
- Main Page
- Address
- Remittance Address
- Association Info Fields
- Field Label
- Field Type
- Association Info Groups
- Association Custom Data Groups
- Homeowner Info Fields
- Field Label
- Field Type
- Homeowner Info Groups
- Description
- Letter Templates
- Type
- Letter
- Association
- Print Setting
- Type
- Portfolio Types
- Description
- Portfolio Requirements
- Portfolios
- Portfolio Type
- Portfolio
- Email Accounts
- Alias
- Action Type
- Association
- ACH Log
- Status
- Type
- Description
- From
- To
- Status
- Widgets
- Widget Type
- Description
- Graph Type
- Homeowner Action Items
- Type
- Step
- Assigned
- Subject
- Association Action Items
- Type
- Step
- Assigned
- Subject
- Association ARC Types
- Description
- Letter Description
- Association CCR Items
- CCR Tab Groups
- CCR Items
- Letter Description
- Service Provider Action Items
- Type
- Step
- Assigned
- Description
- Action Types
- Action Type
This feature may appear small in stature, but its impact is great now that all the mentioned columns will default to the Contains filter immediately rather than having to adjust the filter each time you perform a search in the columns.
New Association Validations
Added validations to the Association > Association List > New Association form.
- Attempting to add a new association without a proper Operating Account and Tax ID will now trigger an error message.
- Operating Account Validation
- Tax ID Validation
- Operating Account Validation
- The validation will apply when creating a New Association and when editing an Existing Association.
- Attempting to add a new association without a proper Operating Account and Tax ID will now trigger an error message.
These new validations will ensure that you or your users don’t accidentally create and mark associations without an operating account as Live since it will cause issues down the road.
Vantaca Corrections
Financial Overview Report
- Corrected the following calculation issues on the Financial Overview Report:
- Incorrect trend on AR Aging graph.
- Incorrect trend on AP Aging graph.
- Incorrect trend on Reserve Cash graph.
- Only including one Reserve GL Account instead of the sum of two.
- Individual account balances in the Investment Section displaying as negatives when they should be positive.
- Reserve Project section displaying incorrect GL description.
- Should be displaying the Association GL description instead of the Global GL description.
- Reserve GL section header has been renamed to Reserve Projects.
- Beginning Balance and Budget YTD amount is incorrect in the Reserve Roll Forward section.
- Beginning Balance will now be the ending balance from the last day of the previous month instead of the beginning balance of the first day of the current month.
- Budget YTD column will no longer double the total annual budget.
- Financial Summary Report page header has been renamed to Financial Overview Report.
Balance Sheet Funds Report
- The error causing the Hide/Show toggle on the report to not be functional has been resolved and the buttons have been removed.
Portal Registration
- The issue involving homeowners being able to sign up for an account with an invalid phone number and invalid email which would prevent them from being able to update their Billing & General Communication Preferences has been resolved.
Modern Portal
- Resolved the error preventing Board Members from searching/filtering by XN number on the Modern Portal Board Action Item pages unless the column was resized.
- The error caused by homeowners with two tenant records setup with Move-In Dates before or equal to today's date to display the HTML in the list of names has been resolved.
Homeowner List
- The error causing the HTML to be present in the Tenant Name columns has been resolved.
Bank Reconciliation Report
- The following formatting issues on the Bank Reconciliation Report have been resolved:
- The words, "Total Union" in Reconciled Items bank section footer being combined and making it appear that it is one word.
- An extra space or full-page break after Reconciled Items in some cases, causing the section items to appear on the next page rather than immediately under the section header.
Action Item Statements
- The error preventing complete statement generations through action items using the No Future Charges statement types has been corrected.
- The error causing inactive addresses to be included on the GetAssociation API call has been resolved.
- The error causing the CondoCerts GetUnitData API to display the Assessment Paid Through Date to show the same as the Assessment Post Date has been resolved and will now reflect that the assessments are being paid through to the end of the assessment period.
- The Frequency field will no longer automatically be defaulted as monthly and will now return the Frequency as null if there isn't one defined on the assessment.
- Previous Owners and Tenants will now be excluded from the Get Units.
Amenity Reservations
- Resolved the error allow users to submit an Amenity Reservation after selecting a time block greater than the actual amenity limit should allow on the Reservation Block.
Income Statement Groups Only Export
- Corrected the issue causing rows on the Income Statement Groups Only Export to be misaligned after downloading via the report window.
AR Aging Reports
- The error causing the Sort By option on the AR Aging Report to default to the Last Name instead of by Delinquency Balance on all versions of the report has been corrected.
Communication Preference Notes
- The error causing the Activity Note for Billing and Communication Preferences to all be logged as a Communication Preference has been resolved.
Assessment Rules
- The Total column will now be hidden on the Association > Assessment screen if the assessment rule is set to Type - Percentage (%APR)
- The column will still display when the type is set to Fixed or Specified Value.
GL Trial Balance Reports
- Corrected the error causing all versions of the GL Trial Balance Report to display GLs that have no activity and a $0 Beginning/Ending Balance.
Action Item Tags
- Action Item Note and Action Item Description will now work synonymously rather than independently when Previewing.
PDF Reports
- The error causing reports to not generate as expected when attempting to generate a new report as a PDF for the first time.
Property & Homeowner Import
- Failed imports will now provide the user with an appropriate error message.
Open Work Orders Import
- Removed the Open Work Orders import as an available dropdown option on the Settings > Import > +New Import form.
In Case You Missed It!
The following items were released since our last major Release via our weekly Maintenance Releases, but we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss any of these features!
Modern Portal Contact Info
- A dropdown for Mailing Address was added to the Modern Portal > Contact Page in the 12.02.2021 Maintenance Release.
- The dropdown will allow the user to select their primary mailing address for the account.
- A new address can be added by scrolling and selecting the (New Address) option at the bottom of the available selections.
Open Board Invoices Report
- The Open Board Invoices Report was added in the 12.09.2021 Maintenance Release.
- The report will display the following information:
- Invoice Date
- Invoice No.
- Balance
- Total
- Pay Type
- Status
- Due Date
- The report will only pull information from Invoices currently in a step with a Decision Required (set to Board Decision.)
- The report will need to be enabled under Settings > Roles > Reports > Association to use.
- The report will display the following information:
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