The error causing the incorrect inspection step to display for violations and fines to duplicate unexpectedly when violations are edited when reviewing in the portal has been resolved.
HTML Notes
Fixed an issue with an Action Item'sFormatted Note not displaying the complete HTML formatting in instances where users are replying to emails sent directly from Vantaca.
Amenity Reservation Alerts
Fixed an issue causing Amenity Reservation Reminders to be created despite the reservation being tentative.
Added validations to Custom Homeowner Additional Info fields to prevent duplicate Field Labels from being added to Data Groups.
Association will now be required on the following imports:
Budget (New Association Only)
Charge Balances
Charge Balance without History
GL Beginning Balance
Homeowner Charge Percentage
Homeowner Charge Tags
Homeowner Specified Values
Homeowner Tags
Homeowner Transaction History
Payment Allocation via Lockbox
Payment Allocation via Post Deposit
Post Charge
Post Utilities Charge
Property Address Formatting
Fixed an issue causing ampersands (&) and apostrophes (') in the property address to be replaced with their ASCII human readable text.
Mailing Address
Fixed the issue with the Address2 field being pulled multiple times on statements, causing the field to be included on the Address1 line.
Custom List
Fixed an issue causing the Custom List to open a random Action Item from the All Action Items and My Action Items.
Fixed the issue causing Documents, Assessments and other items included on an Import to not import from the Model Association.
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